I love it when the dots connect. Moda heard (or read) that we were doing a giveaway of scraps from our new collection, Rouenneries. Being the great folks they are, they shipped me a big old box of our scraps and threw in a few jelly rolls, honey buns, dessert rolls and layer cakes (see below for full explanation). So, to spread the love a bit, Sofia picked out 4 lucky winners who will all receive a box full of sweet scraps! If the lucky winners would please leave me their address and their bakery choice I will get these out in the mail soon.
And the winners are.....
Meleen Dupre
Sara Moriarty-delaFuente
Thanks for all of your nice comments and I hope you all enjoy sewing with our new collection from Moda!
Did you know.....
there are 40 2 1/2 inch strips of fabric on a jelly roll?
there are 40 1 1/2 inch strips of fabric on a honey bun?
there are 10 5" strips of tonal fabric on a dessert roll?
there are 40 10 inch squares in a layer cake?
Well now you do!
It all looks absolutely wonderful.
Amazing! Congrats to the winners!!! I hope you show what you make.
I love these fabrics even more seeing this new picture! Do you have any idea when they will be out in the stores?
I wish you great success with them.
I'm so excited to have won the drawing. I left my address on the French General website. Wasn't quite sure what the correct procedure is. The dolls and I are looking foward to the package coming and will spend summer afternoons sewing new dresses. Yippee!!!!!
Oh. My. Gosh.
i think i'm in love.
cannot WAIT to see all the fabrics in person, dude.
Your fabric is absolutely gorgeous! Definitely have that on my "to-buy" list!
I never quite trust this computer so if you have received my address please forgive me. I'm kinda new to this and soooo anxious to receive my fabric. My address is:
Suzanne Lee
P.O. Box 624
100 S. Elm St.
Erick, Okla. 73645
Again, you may have this address six times but I want to make sure.
I couldn't wait to see your fabric collection & now can't wait to put those pretty fabrics into a quilt!
The jellyroll came today!!! Beautiful and well worth the wait!!
The dolls and I thankyou so much!
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