Sunday, December 30, 2012

More Art

While driving up to Big Sur this morning,  I asked Sofia what her New Year resolution might be, she simply said "more art."  I really like the simplicity of this idea and think it works for me too...what about you?


  1. Sounds like a perfect theme for the new year!

  2. My same resolution!
    Hope you got through. We've heard the road was closed south of Lucia due to landslides. ???
    m & v

  3. Absolutely - No more day dreaming just get started!

  4. Lovely~I do hope to create more this year. Less talk, more getting er'done. I hope to find some of your beautiful products when we shop in 'town' in the coming months.

  5. Anonymous1:26 PM

    Happy New Year....more art...wonderful!

  6. marion melchiorre5:51 PM

    The image of the plein air artist caught my eye. Pleinair painting in watercolor and oils is one of my favorite forms of art..collecting flora for my eco dye projects is my second. Third,that would be teaching these arts that I love.
    ****Here's to a productive artful year to all! *******
    Marion in Los Angeles

  7. Anonymous6:24 PM

    Yes, yes and yes! Love this idea and would even be interested in a bumper sticker or t-shirt or poster. Can you make that happen??

  8. Jenny in Australia2:09 PM

    Oh my goodness.... You just sent my mind spinning backwards nearly 20 years! Big Sur was a truly awesome and unexpected surprise on a road trip from San Francisco to LA. I have never seen such massive trees and the scenery was awe inspiring. What a wonderful place to be inspired to create. One day I would love to do that trip again... I'm a long way away though, in another inspiring place, down under. 😊
