Ouch (or ooch). I just read the first review of Home Sewn on Amazon.com - seems like the very first person to review it, didn't like it - great. Although the writer did give me a compliment when she wrote, "Apparently these fabrics and antiques are for those people who like to collect unusual items." Duh. Anyway, just for the heck of it, now I am going to give away 2 book sets and hope someone out there likes it! So...back to the drawing - since I am breaking the first rule, and just to see if you are reading... to even out the score, throw your name into the hat again - now you'll have two chances to win!! I'll get you...you critic...and your little dog too!
a second chance?
a copy of Home Sewn,
your new box of stationery
and your label
and sticker book.
{{ why am i as excited
as a first grader
over the thought
now i have hats in both your rings
{{ i may be greedy
but i also have GREAT taste }}
Okay, first off...don't throw my name in the hat for a free book, 'cause I already got one. (But I would LOVE, love, LOVE some stickers :)
I just wanted to comment about the "review" of your book...no worries, 'cause it's a LOVELY, remarkable, beautifully photographed, awesome patterns included book!!! Really, what a gorgeous feast for the eyes!
So...if you don't have it on order yet, order it today...you'll be so delighted!!!
So what does that first commentator know. I am sure it is a great book. Silly person.
Well I'd love a second chance...because I LOVED your first book!
I don't even sew and I am longing for this book.. ;o) Just the cover with the stack of antique French linens makes me swoon. Thanks kaari!
p.s. the copy of The French Inspired Home, has been on the TOP of my coffee table stack since last Christmas!
Aren't we all "those people who like to collect unusual items" ? I can't wait to read your new book. Don't let them get you down! Your French Inspired Jewelry book has been so inspirational.
another chance. are we lucky, or what? put my name in again 'cause i "get it". i believe in fabric-the older the better. not to worry about the review(er). chin up!
I personally am excited about your new book. Unusual... well that is me.... And I really would love to win one of your books since I already have the others and they are getting worn out from reading!!!
Thanks for the second chance. I love your store (I've never been to the bricks and mortar store, but love the online store). So Yummy!
If I win, I will write a RAVE review for you to counter the negative one. What a meanie!
Well, that's really poopie! I've LOVE your style and your books! Thanks for the chance at a freebie!
Sigh. I feel you dear. None of my friends understand why I collect "unusual objects", hence I cease to have any more expectations on strangers.
Put my name in the hat, please?
I love French General!!!!
Kathy G.
I love French General!!!!
Kathy G.
Everything you touch is so wonderful and inspirational!! Love your previous books and can't wait to see this one. Congratulations!
Add my name...and don't pay attention to the early review!
Oh goodness. Didn't her Momma tell her that unless you have something nice to say keep your mouth shut. Such a pity. You are fab!
Hugs, Kim
Count me in! I'll certainly be open-minded.
Aww, darn critics! I would love to throw my name in the hat a second time because I am quite sure it is a FABULOUS book. ;)
I'm throwing my name into the hat now and will again soon! Celeste
2nd time in!!! Celeste
So what does she know...??? Honestly...I think everything is quite normal...??? Maybe I am not..think??? Throw my name in the hat - I can't wait to win! Judy
oh my will you sign it for me too?????? enter me me me!!
Thanks for the second chance to receive your beautiful book. You
simply made my day!
Elissa ~
oooh - pick me, pick me!!!
i LOVED your first book
You are an inspiration...throw my name in the hat, pretty please...
I'm sure that the person who left the bad review must not be a crafty person. I own every book you have made and probably still have every magazine with your articles in them, and they never fail to awe and inspire. Don't let anyone elses opinion bring you down. Just keep doing what you love and those of us who love what you do will always be interested.
so, please put my name in the hat too! Maybe I'll be lucky enough to win one rather than trying to teach my husband how to buy things on the internet for my Birthday.
I love your jewerly book. I am actually IN LOVE with it. thank you for the inspiration.
terry m.
I've enjoyed all your books and I'm sure this one will be just the same! From one lover of "unusual" to another!
I think your books set a new standard in design and photography for creative titles. The reviewer was way off the mark. I went to visit the French General while we were in Hollywood because I so love books and wanted to be see and touch the goods firsthand. However it was closed that day due a photo shoot and we had to fly back to Seattle the next day. So for now I'll have to get my fix from your blog and books!
Love your books!
Love your jewelry!
Love your blog!
Count me in!
Chin up,
Unusual???!! Hiccup....Well we certainly HOPE SO!
How dull it sounds to skip through life being a collector or shopper of THE NORM....{some of those stores with catalogs come to mind which I dare not whisper but PB comes to mind, si?}
Is it shameless to throw my beret in the ring even though I have ordered them wholesale for the store? A few signatures on my copies will be all I ask (but the stationery and gorgeous FG stickers sound yummy!!!!)
for heaven sakes who wrote that review?? goodness gracious, they just don't get it. I bought my copy last month, 2 members of my sewing group have ordered their own copies. If I win (I love to win) my sister is going to get such a great Christmas gift.
ooooh! definitely put my name in the hat!
you know what they say about opinions... this is my second chance and i'm super excited. i hope i'm also lucky!
If Hown Sewn is anything like your other book, it's great!!
Hi Kaari,
Please enter my name in the drawing a second time.
With your talent and attention to detail, it's sure to be your best book yet. I would love to win it to start creating and to spread the news of yet another beautiful project from French General!
Susan Baldwin
just remember...those who cannot create, critique!! i would love a copy of your new book, and i plan on buying your french jewelry book for all 3 of my sisters for christmas! your books are lovely!!
Sounds like the woman who walked into my girlfriends store... she looked around, paused, and said "oh, a craft store" to which we promptly said Michael's and Joanne's are craft stores. Her reply... "ya, like that". NOT!!
Some people just don't get it!
Toss my name in the hat, please. I'd love to pour over this sure~to~be fabulous book!
Reading Amazon reviews is really hard on an author, especially if (like me) you have a tendency to remember the criticisms and forget the compliments. I don't yet have the book (I hope I win one!), but it looks just beautiful. Best of luck and success!
I have your first book. I adore it. I love the look of this one, so please throw my name in the hat!
Merci énormément,
Oh, please, please let me throw my hat in!
Damn critics.
I love both of your first books - I refer to them often for inspiration and always come away wanting to create and enjoy! I am a member of your monthly jewelry club and am always thrilled with my results. I am so looking forward to your new book. I can't wait to get it! You're so very talented. Take care, S.
A second chance - throw my name in! Your books are great, don't worry about the Amazon review.
Am I too Late? Please count me in! I just know your book is FABULOUS!
Take heart - the new book is wonderful, as is the stationary set (no wonder your next creative venture is going to be a line of fabrics. . .)!
I have re-read and studied your first 2 books repeatedly. They are a visual feast - endlessly inspirational, beautiful and informative. I don't even sew, but I love the new book nonetheless- and the cover showing your scrumptious old textiles is worth framing itself.
Thank you for continuing to feed those of us who love to collect and enjoy the old and unusual in life - we get it. And pay no mind about the naysayers who don't!
(Although I have the book already, more stationery and the Sticker book sound fantastic. Keep up the wonderful work. Thanks. -K
Please add my name I would love to have your book Homw Sewn
Thanks Jennifer
Don't let that critic get you down, Kaari... your talent and eye for timeless beauty is greatly appreciated by those of us who admire what you do and have made of your creative life. You add beauty and inspiration to our lives through your books and web store and wonderful vintage finds and this blog. Please count me in for a second chance, and thank you! Your jewelry book is one of my favorites.
What do they know! I love your books.. Thanks for the chances!!
Carol G in sunny Georgia!
Yay I'll enter again! Thank you!
Thanks for another chance! Please include my name again! Looking forward to reading your new book.
Times 2....
It's my lucky day..
The book is worth the pictures alone…
I'm driving all the way from Phoenix, Arizona to your store in LA tomorrow to purchase my very own book, I know it will be worth the long roadtrip.
Some people just don't get it! Just looking at the cover makes my heart sing! I love fabric though, I can't help it! Anyway, I can hardly wait to see your book and I wish you all the best!
And again Yay!!! doris b
Just got my amazon delivery last night and I love your book!!! Congrats - very well done! Celeste
Keeping my fingers crossed! So excited about the new book!
Pay no attention to the man behind the curtain. Or in this case the odd book reviewer behind the curtain. Love your books!! - Kathy in Chicago
I have bought all your books and I love them AND your sense of style. AND I LIKE TO COLLECT ALL THOSE UNUSUAL THINGS TOO!!
Please disregard any negatives -- and keep on doing what you're doing!
Hi there. I loved the book, great photos and very inspirational. Please add my name to the give away.
At Zionsnana2000yahoo.com or Google: loosebuttons.blogspot.com
I teach sewing and would love to add your book to my "Books of Inspiration" for my students.
Thank You, Gabrielle
Your book is lovely, Please add me to the give away as I would like to add your book to my "Books of Inspiration" for my sewing students
Thank You Gabrielle
Google: loosebuttons.blogspot.com
How do I throw my name into the hat?? I LOVE your things--poo-poo on that mean, tasteless critic!
Please include my name for a book and/or label book!
Kim Swiler
6108 Arbour Lane
Edina, MN 55436
(I sent you photos of my crazy, funky jewelry creations using vintage jewels a while ago...)
And Kaari,
For some fun check out my blog for a look at my family's adventures with the Coen Bros.' new movie, being shot here in Minneapolis. You'll have scroll down to the very beginning to the whole story of how we got in!
There is always someone who wants to critisize- I'm sure the nitwit could baarely write anything longer than a blah-review herself!
Well, I just left a great review for your book at Amazon. I got a copy for my birthday and I can't wait to get started on something! I'm sure French General will hear from me with a fabric order soon. Great Book! I loved the first one, too. I admire your jewelry book, but I'm much more of a fabric girl!
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