Thursday, April 26, 2012

Petite Odile Giveaway

Our new line with Moda, Petite Odile, has just arrived! I designed this line with a story in my head...the story of a French girl named Odile who had an armoire full of petite dresses. Each day Odile would choose her favorite dress and then match it up with her little socks, shoes and apron. The visual of an armoire filled with old dresses inspired me to design a handful of sweet little prints that would be perfect for children's clothing, quilts or room decoration.
 About a month ago I received an e-mail from a woman in Paris named Odile. She was over the moon that someone had used her name in a collection - an old French name - that many people had never even heard before.
 Odile wrote: I think I share with you, the love of old children designs. I have at home a very large collection of vintage newspaper , mainly as I am looking for old sewing machines information. And then Odile sent me a flicker link to her favorite children designs that she had scanned from old French newspapers.
To celebrate our new collection, and to inspire you to sew a dress for your favorite little girl,  please leave us a comment about a childhood dress memory and we will send out a box of fabric to a couple of lucky winners.  Bonne Chance!


Sharon B said...

Mine is the aqua velvet dress my mother made for me for my Aunt's wedding. I was in charge of the guest book and thought I was the greatest thing ever:)

Margaret said...

I'd love the chance to win the fabric!! My memory of childhood dresses always involves the fact that I had to wear dresses twice as long as usual. Why? Because my mother would dress my older sister and I alike. So we had the same dresses all the time. And I would have to wear her dress once I grew out of mine. If I liked the dress, great. If I didn't, not so great. lol! Eventually my mom stopped doing this. Overall, I was very glad. :D

Sunnybec said...

One memory that always sticks in my mind is at Whitson I always got new dresses, "best" dresses only to be worn on special occasions. Thanks for the chance, love this new collection.

klk said...

I remember the year my sisters and I had identical Easter dresses, hats, shoes -- the works. The dresses were navy with a bow. I must have liked it because I look pretty proud in the picture Mom took.

Unknown said...

Oh, how very fun! I remember for my aunt's wedding, my mom made my sisters and I very pretty light peach with white polka dot dresses. The dresses were all different, but made with the same lovely fabric. I so loved my dress! Thank you so much for the chance!

Dominique Elkins said...

When we were younger, our parents got matching dresses for myself and my 2 girl cousins. I remember having the best time with my cousins, all looking like triplets. I have a younger brother so this was my chance to have the exact dress as someone else!

Quilts, Cakes and Other Fun said...

My best little girl dress story was when I made the first dress for my own daughter. My first child was a son and I jumped for joy when I found out I was having a girl. Her first dress was for Christmas 8 months old and it was fabric with angles on it and black lace she was beautiful. I made her many more dresses over the years and now she is sewing dresses for her cousins children.

Deb said...

I would love a chance to win that fabric. I just love it.

My favorite dress was one I wore for my Confirmation. It was lilac dotted swiss and I loved that dress and could never wear it enough.

Mary said...

My sister and I were two years apart and often wore identical dresses. My favorites were always the Christmas ones. The very favorite was a red velvet one for each of us. Lots of white lace and ribbons on it as well. Thank you for the chance to win.

Jennifer Pearson Vanier said...

My most vivid memory is of the green velvet Christmas dress my mom made for me and the little matching one she made from scraps for my Crissy doll. What a wonderful giveaway. Thank you!

karen said...

A childhood dress memory...all I can think of is that my sister once had a paper dress, yes, it was made out of paper. Weird.

Joan said...

My favorite dress was my bubble gum dress. it was a sleeveless fitted bodice and a full skirt...a a black velvet bolero jacket. It was beautiful...and why do I call it my bubble gum dress? Because I named all my dresses and this design looked like a jar full of bubble gum balls. Thanks for bringing that memory to mind. It makes me smile!

quiltercaroline said...

One dress that is really memorable for me is one that my Grandma made me. A victorian ragamuffin sleeve dress made for a festival celebration that we have for Charles Dickens. It was amazing and I still have it somewhere - some things should never be thrown away. Thanks

Libmousa said...

I had a blue dress with apples on it that my mom made for me when I was about 4 or 5. I loved that dress! When I outgrew it she recylced the fabric and made dresses for my barbies and baby doll. I wish, wish, wish I had just a little piece of that dress left!

Funky Kim said...

My mother made me a long dress with an empire waist and ties that tied in the back. I adored that dress!

gail kent said...

when I was in grade school we wore dresses-the ones with 10 yards (it felt like that much)of fabric gathered for the skirt and a long belt-they were not good for playground and recess time-they were always handmade or a hand down-sure was glad when pants were worn everyday-but what I would give now to have those dresses and the fabric-your story about this fabric line is wonderful-thank you

Lisnaweary Quilts said...

I can remember my sister and I getting paper dolls and dressing them in paper clothes! - I was about 5, and thought they were brill! I also remember my Mum making us polka dot dresses with rick rack've brought back loads of memories:)

Cottage Way of Life said...

My mom made my favorite childhood dress for me. It was fashioned out of red fabric with a white print that had "blueprint" designs on it one of which I distinctly remember being fascinated with — Marconi's wireless radio. A granddaughter is due to arrive any day now and I am planning on sewing some vintage-inspired dresses for her. I was rummaging through my fabric stash in my attic workroom looking for fabric that evoked a 1940s—50s feel and came upon a box I didn't remember having. I looked inside — the box contained a huge stash of fabric squares from my childhood. What a nice surprise! My mom must have given me the box & I just didn't remember it. Amongst the squares was a piece of that red Marconi fabric. Finding it, thrilled me no end, as you can imagine. Alas, none of the fabric pieces are big enough for a baby dress — I might have to make a quilt for Sophie so she can have something with her grandmother's childhood dress in it.

http://thankfullga447 said...

Easter, we would always have a new dress (my mother sewed), new shoes, purse, hat and new socks. We were poor but my mother made it work.

Val Reaves said...

Count me in! I was in 4H and my sewing life began with an apron that I made and entered in the county fair. I believe I got a blue ribbon for my efforts...thanks for bringing the memory out of the vaults!

Cindy said...

Oh, but these are not just designs for little girls. Big girls would look lovely in them also----me included. What a delightful collection.

Val Reaves said...

I left the last comment...I didn't leave my URL...
Sorry, Val

Gayle/ said...

What a wonderful story. My mother made all of my dresses until I was in the 2nd grade. My Christmas dress that year was purchased and I thought it was so special. But when I started high school my Mom asked a relative to make a quilt (Mom didn't quilt) using the leftover scraps from my dresses. Now I realize how special and wonderful all of those handmade dresses were. Now, at 85, Mom lives with me so I can care for her until graduates to another chapter in her life. The prints in the collection remind me a lot of all those wonderful little dresses.

Stephanie said...

Beautiful collection! I was lucky growing up - I had a mom and grandmother that both sewed. My favorite dress memory was a purple dress that my grandmother made for me. My mom, sister, and I had a professional picture taken together. I was wearing the purple dress. We were all wearing different shades of purple - and to this day - all you have to say is "the purple picture" and everyone in the family knows the one you are referring to. Unfortunately, we lost our mom in August of 2010 - and although it's still hurts - I can;t help but smile when thinking about the purple picture!

Unknown said...

I have three favorite memories of clothes as a child the first a beautifully made green wool winter coat with a black collar my grandmother bought back from England in the early 1960's. It came with a brooch on the collar that was a little animal with fur and green eyes which I still have today. With the coat came a blue velvet hat that is in my treasure trucnk today as well. The other was a summer checked dress with full skirt that when I twirled around it spun out. I loved the

Denise J. said...

I remember my new Easter Sunday dresses and having photos taken at Grandma's with my cousin in our holiday finest. Thanks for the chance to win. I absolutely love your fabrics and would love to have a bolt of each. Don't think I will ever tire of them!

Diane H said...

Odile is a beautiful collection.
Easter always meant a new outfit including a new spring coat.

Diane said...

When I was about four years old, I had a "party" dress that was white with little embroidered strawberries all over it. So pretty and it made me feel like a princess. Thanks for the chance to win the fabric and thanks for triggering such a nice memory!

Karens Quilts, Crows and Cardinals said...

Ah yes... my favorite dress was a Christmas one -- it was black velvet, with a pretty collar and buttons down the front -- I was under 5 years old and it was very special to me...

The collection is beautiful !
Just LOVE the colors and the prints...

Sally said...

Lovely fabric collection! I was lucky to have two beautiful flowergirl dresses (at different times), made by my sister and kept for Sunday school and special occasions. The pink one had hand-embroidered rosebuds...

Judy Grubbs said...

My mom was an excellent seamstress and made all my clothes. One of my favorite dresses was a red and white stripe, cut on the bias, with a v neck. I wore my favorite pop bead necklace with it for my first grade picture. Everytime I look at the picture I remember the love my mother had for me!

Jamie said...

Oh, yes, I have a memories of my favorite dresses! When I was about 5 or 6 my mom let me wear my fancy pink dress to school- the problem was I wanted to wear bright red leotards with it! She said no - red and pink clash! I was not very happy and I remember it to this day! But I made up for it in jr. high... bright purple mini dress with white high heel go-go boots! Love thinking about 'what I wore', which by the way is a fabulous book - Love, Loss and What I Wore by Ilene Beckerman! Jamie V in MT

Ronny said...

This isn't a memory of mine, but one of my mother's. When she was a small girl in a tiny coastal fishing village of Canada, her aunt went away to become a governess for a wealthy family in Boston. And each year, the aunt would send a box of the outgrown dresses of the 2 little girls she had charge of for my mother and her sisters. This is one of the few memories my mother has ever shared, so I can only imagine how dear this was to her to have such beautiful clothes in the remote and harsh place she grew up in :). I can only imagine those lovely, fashionable, little giirl dresses of the 1940s..

Jenny said...

My favorite dress as a child was a hand-smocked, red cotton dress made by a friend of my grandmother's. It was the first dress ever made just for me, and I felt so special and loved when I wore it!

Amy said...

My mother made dresses for her five little girls. I remember the long ties that were tied in a bow in the back.

Micheline Crawford said...

My favorite childhood dress was a white fancy dress with tiny printed lavender flowers that tied into a bow in the back. I called it my "Lavender Dress". I was fascinated with textiles even then. Perhaps it was watching my mother sew in the little hallway connected to my bedroom. My mother was an excellent seamstress (although she did not make this particular dress). I was so attached to the "Lavender Dress" that I insisted on wearing it daily along with my tights, ruffly undies and patent leather mary jane's. Best of all, it matched the walls in my room that were painted the lightest tint of lavender! Clearly, wearing this frock daily was not practical as it needed to laundered but I do appreciate my mother's efforts to occasionally accommodate my whim's and have it ready the next day! Wow! What a great memory. Happy I could share it.

Gail said...

My favorite childhood dress memory is of a spring dress that my Mom made for me, she was a wonderful seamstress and often made matching dresses for my older sister and myself. This particular dress was sleeveless, A-line, and had a cowl type neck and I loved it. A few years ago my Mom gifted me with a quilt that my grandmother had made of my Mom's old bits and pieces of leftover fabrics......and I was overjoyed to see that my favorite childhood dress fabric was in it.
I still treasure that quilt!

knitinsage said...

My very busy mother of a 4 year old (me), 3 year old (my sister), and 2 year old (brother) sewed matching velvet christmas dresses for my sister and me. Mine was a rich emerald green, my sister's was a dark cranberry, and both had large square collars like a yoke. The simple white crochet lace bordering the collar spoke to my mother's lovely understated taste.

My sister and I looked so much alike that we can often only tell who is who in those old photographs by the color of the dress.

Thanks for the opportunity to remember!

Simone said...

I had a long red skirt, with flowers, that my mom made, for a wedding. After the wedding it became a sundress and when i grew out of it, it became a short skirt again! I had it for years;)

KWILEY said...

Oh - love the new fabric line!!! would be a great repro quilt! my favorite dress was a long dress made for a school play it was white dress with red rick-rack and a ruffle at the bottom....loved wearing it!

Charmingdesigns said...

My mother made my wedding dress. I found a picture in Brides mag. in 1972. We found the lace fabric in one of the fabric shops in downtown Los Angeles that was the same as the picture, looking through patterns we found the exact pattern, we saved soooo much money by having it custom made for my mom. I would love to win!!

Tonya said...

My high school graduation dress is my favorite. White dotted swiss empire with the softest green ribbon at the waist and sleeves. It is my favorite not only because it was beautiful, but because of the love and sacrifice that came from parents who bought the dress when the money could have been better spent on our family of 6 children.

Jannis said...

My mom made my favorite dress. It was my first communion dress. White with tiny bright flowers. It had the 70's hippy look with a high waist and the big sleeves. I love that dress and I still have it. Someday when I have a sewing room I am going to frame it.

Margie said...

My big sister teaching me to quilt using my tiny sewing machine. It only stitched a chain stitch but it was all mine. :-)

eeyore1960 said...

My lovely grandmother was a wonderful seamstress. She made many dresses for me when I was little, but my favorite was the dress she made when I was about ten. It was a long purple velvet dress with floaty lace sleeves that she made for me to wear to church on
Christmas Eve. Such happy memories I have when I see photos of the clothes she made for me!

Becky said...

My grandmother, Raymos, was the one who sewed our special dresses like my dotted swiss first communion dress. I loved that one, but Big Mom took the pattern and made a navy and white checkered dress that I loved even more. Thanks for sparking this wonderful memory!

Anonymous said...

In the year that Dr. Kildare and Ben Casey were popular TV shows, my mother made me two “Dr. Kildare/Ben Casey dresses.” The bodice had asymmetrical buttons going up to the buttoned neckline that I wore casually open, just like Ben Casey. At a very early age my mother sent me the message via the dresses that I could be anything I wanted to be.

sewprimitive karen said...

When I was really young, I loved some of my clothes so much that I could hardly bear it as I grew out of them, particularly a quilted circle skirt with waistband; I can remember squishing myself into that waistband as long as I could. Later, at about 14, I loved sewing my own baby doll dresses with smocking which were in at that time (1965 or so).

Anonymous said...

Kaari.....shouldn't you tell a story about your favorite dress???????

danette said...

I love Petite Odile. It was so lovely to work with. Fabric has a wonderful hand.

Anonymous said...

The fabric looks French General fabrics!
My mum sewed all our clothes, until we were old enough to make our own...a special memory was a mauve dress she made for an aunt and uncles felt very special!

Ruth B said...

My favorite dress when I was a little girl was a blue plaid with a princess collar, short sleeves and ties in the back. My mother sewed our clothes and often all 3 girls would get the same dress in different sizes. But my plaid dress was uniquely mine. I wore it for my school picture in 3rd grade so I have a photo of myself with a big smile in my favorite dress. I still love that dress!

Anonymous said...

My mother made my youngest sister and I matching gingham sundresses that were smocked across the front along with little hats. I would love to win your fabrics from your new line. They're precious!

Debbie V.

Cecilia said...

The dress that I remember the best was an orange mini dress that my Mom made for me when I was in the 7th grade. I will never forget how pretty I felt whenever I wore that dress. Thanks for sharing your fabric, I have three granddaughters I would love to make dresses for.

Sue from Texas said... many wonderful stories! 60 years ago I was the first of 40 children, grandchildren and now great-grandchildren that was baptized in the most beautiful baptismal gown. My 84 year old mother continues to be the keeper of this very special dress. Looks like we're going to be adding two more to the Grand Total this year! Love your story Kaari of how you were inspired to create your new beautiful line of fabric.

Julie said...

Mine is a royal blue velvet dress with white swansdown collar - I used to wear it with a gold brooch with a bluebird on it.

Unknown said...

My grandmother, a seamstress, completely indulged with my love of Holly Hobby and I had a complete collection of prairie dresses (with bonnets!) as a child and in 7th heaven!

Janelle said...

I would love to win these fabrics. I know my mom and grandma made a lot of my clothes, so my sister and I often had coordinating dresses. One of my favorites was a velvet jumper I wore when we went to see the Nutcracker ballet at Christmas!

Tania said...

What a lovely giveaway, thank you. I had a beautiful velvet dress for special occasions - dark brown with little sprigs of flowers on it that was full length. I felt so special wearing it with my hair done nicely and special shoes and stockings. Love your fabrics, every range is just beautiful.

Pip said...

I had a beautiful black and white tartan or plaid dress that I absolutely loved. I wore it with a red belt and black patent leather shoes, it was my favourite outfit, I was so sad when I grew out of it.

oldgreymare said...

I very clearly remember a white pique sleeveless dress with a string of embroidered daisies circling my neck and the armholes and the waist sash with dangling streamers of daisies in the back. It was worn with white anklets with lace ruffles and white patent leather shoes and a white straw hat with a yellow ribbon band with again..daisies. I was 6 and can see it like it was yesterday.

Dominique said...

I grew up in the desert. My favorite dress memory involves a hot summer day in 1972 (I was 4), my proud mother with a camera, and me donning tall white go-go boots and the red plastic faux-leather dress she'd just finished. I love that picture!

sue said...

Oh, my favorite dress. I had many many as my mom was a great seamstress the brown plaid, the blue jumper, calico dresses with ribbons.

Susie said...

I have the fondest memory of this white summer dress with tiny red cherries scattered about. When I was maybe 7 or 8 it was handed down to me, and I thought it was the most magically beautiful dress. Nothing fancy, but I would daydream of days spent in country meadows in that dress.
Funny thing is, I picked up some very similar fabric some time ago for my daughter. As soon as I held the fabric, memories of details about the dress came flooding back. I hope to make her a similar dress to wear (and hopefully to love!) as well.

becky up the hill said...

Oh my, I remember a yellow gingham dress with black rick rack, my Mom made for me. I mainly remember wearing it to the Sacramento Zoo. I probably was 7 or 8. The year? Ha, 1961 or thereabouts.

Kland said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Kland said...

As a child, I loved sewing dresses for my barbies. Thanks to my mom for my "crafty" side.

Quiltjane said...

I was quite the tomboy growing up on the bay with the Sydney bushland for my playground. My Aunt bought me this frilly dress to wear to an interview for a school my parents wanted to send us all to and I hated it. I wore it with protest and never wore it again. I did tell her I loved it though.

Débora Aguirre said...

The first dress I remember was made of a pink jeans fabric. It was so lovely. I was about three and both my sister and I had the same dress. My Mom liked us dressed the same way. That was back in the early '70s.

And those fabrics are wonderful. I just love them. Thanks for the chance.

Regards from Spain,


yann said...

My mom bought me 2 dressed a year before every Chinese Lunar New Year. Though I did not have many new clothes in a year but they were from one of the nicer shop in town. My favorite one was the sailor colar dress in blue, red and white that I thought I looked real good in it.

Tracy Altieri said...

I have clear and happy memories of my sisters and me all dressed in matching Polly Flinders dresses for Easter morning - they were just beautiful - too bad that are long gone!

Robyn R said...

As a very young girl in the late 1960's I was wearing my favourite red velvet dress, with fine black velvet bow on the bodice, whilst on a family trip to Melbourne, Australia, for my father's business. Upon leaving the city I discovered the bow missing & cried the entire 4 hour car journey home to our country property. My Mother telephoned the Savoy Plaza, the city Hotel where we had been staying, unfortunately to no avail! I can still feel the soft texture of that long-lost velvet bow.

Helen said...

When I was a little girl my mom made me a white dress with three rows of red ric rac on the bottom. She made my doll the same dress. I loved that dress and was very sad when I finally grew out of it.

Lettyb said...

Hands-down my favorite dress as a child was a deep blue crepe smock that had set in pleats, and an ivory lace bib. Sounds really fussy - but it was comfortable and made me want to go to Sunday school!
Thanks for the chance to win!

Redfinch said...

What memories your challenge brought back to me! My sister (11 months younger than me) and I have 3 girl cousins just a little older than us. Our grandma and her never-married sister would make matching dresses for the 3 of them, and we would drool over them, knowing that when they outgrew them, we would get our turn to wear them. There were never such coveted hand-me-downs!

Linda Z said...

One of my best memories was a small flower print I had made for my daughter. Just a cute one that I loved. She grew out of it and I had sold it in a sale. Two weeks later a gal brought her daughter into where I worked and her little girl was wearing that dress. That made it special.
Love the new fabric. Linda Z.

Jo said...

My mother sewed all my dresses when I was in elementary school (dresses for girls was the rule then). I remember loving one dress so much I wanted to wear it every day but my mother wouldn't allow it. The fabric was green background with little yellow rosebuds all over. The dress was a full skirt, short sleeves, and buttoned up the front from the waist up. There was white eyelet at the sleeve edges, along the waist, up the front and around the neck. I thought that was the prettiest dress ever. I think my mom handed down all of my sister's and my dresses to a distant relative, so I'm left with only memories.

Jen said...

My favorite dresses that my mother made me as a child were a red one with cap sleeves and smocking and a delicate white with blue flower print that I wore as a flower girl many moons ago.

sue said...

Mom's dresses the green velvet, brown plaid, blue jumper, and the calico Gunny Sac dresses she made!

Unknown said...

My mother would always take my sister and I clothes shopping downtown before we started school. I remember us buying the cutest dress at what was then Higbee's. It was white on white lace with little capped sleeves and a some pink ribbons accents along the waist and hem. I adored that dress and wore it until it could have been a mini-skirt. I'm sure my mother swiped that dress while I was sleeping so I couldn't wear it anymore and embarrass her.

shel704 at aol dot com

Elissa said...

I have the sweetest and fondest childhood memories of going to the fabric stores with my mother during the summer months. My school dresses were designed and made by my talented mother. In order for my school wardrobe to be ready in September, we spent the entire summer searching for the perfect fabrics, buttons, ribbons, and embellishments. As a result of our creative efforts, my childhood was filled with the most magical days. When I was no longer
able to wear the dresses, the fabric was cut into squares and made into a memory quilt. I treasure my quilt and have carried on the tradition with my beautiful daughter.

Maire said...

My dress memory is of my daughter wearing a hand-me-down dress. She called it her nurse's uniform. She was two years old and took care of me when I was very sick. I wish I still had that dress.
Thanks for the chance to make some dresses.

Ann said...

My mother bought a handmade dress for me at a fundraising baazar at church, it was too beautiful to pass up even though it was too big for me. It was blue and white like my grandmother's China so we called it my granny dress. About once a month I tried the dress on to see if it fit. Finally, when I was in kindergarten the dress fit and I wore it to school as often as I could! My mom made lots of clothes for me when I was little but we both especially loved my Granny dress.

Lori Kay said...

I have a dress stored in my memory box this I wore as a baby. It's white with red/white gingham checks and a red collar. There are just two buttons at the back of the neck to keep it on, so I'm guessing my mom had me wearing a onesie to stay warm! Thanks for sharing your new line!

Susan said...

When I was a little girl, I was VERY picky about the fabrics that touched my skin. If it wasn't soft, I wouldn't wear it. Sometimes, even zippers would rub me the wrong way. As you can imagine, this created a lot of turmoil in our home, especially when we were trying to dress for special occasions. The solution was for my mother to make all of my clothes. She found this 3 arm holed,wrap-around dress pattern that I found nothing to complain about. She must have made me a dozen or more of those over the years. The fabric HAD to be 100% cotton and it had to be soft! Nothing like sewing clothes for your child to set up life long memories. I haven't thought about those dresses in years. Thanks for the question which took me back to remembering my momma taking such good care of me!

marie said...

My childhood dress memory is a white dress with tiny strawberries all over it. I was probably around 8 and thought it was to die for. Love the new fabric line.

Osagegypsy said...

One of my favorite clothing items when I was a girl was a red plaid wool skirt. My mother bought the wool in England in 1963 while we were living in France with my Air Force father. Mama had the skirt made by a French seamstress, and boy was it heavy. It had pleats and a large hem and was made to last. I wore it to the movie theater and had to unbutton it while watching the show, since the waistband was quite scratchy. Forgetting about it, I got up and walked to the snack bar and while standing in line it fell to the floor! I was only 8-9 years old, but so embarrassed. I wish I had that skirt now.

Marcia W. said...

My favorite childhood dresses were those that matched my late sister's that my mother made for us. There is one specific purple print that I loved. My mother incorporated that purple fabric and many of those childhood dress scraps in her first double wedding ring quilt. She made the quilt with cardboard templates from cereal boxes and cut pieces one-by-one with scissors. My mother gave me that quilt so I can enjoy those special childhood memories.

Kathleen Colyar said...

My enjoyment of sewing began when I was five. My Irish grandmother, Ethel Emma Riley, would let me sew on her Singer treadle machine. The first dress I made for my ten inch doll was light green taffeta, the color of a tulip leaf, its texture making a slippery sound under the warm tone of the needle moving through it while my Grammy sat nearby. She only told me much later that she feared I might sew through my finger but never said a word!

Judy said...

I remember my Mom making my dresses. There was a red dress that fell into an A-line which I just loved and remember it to this day. It was my favorite dress. I love this fabric. I only have a charm pack now but would love enough to make a dress for my grandaughter. Thank you for the chance.

QB Sue said...

I have so many fond memories of childhood dresses. My mother made my dresses for me until I started sewing for myself in Jr High. However, the childhood dresses that I recall with the fondest memories are those I made for my daughter which always included a red dress for Christmas. I sewed all of my own clothes until I discovered quilting in 1985. I love sewing with French General fabrics and red is my favorite color. I think I'll make my youngest granddaughter a red dress with Petite Odile fabric. She loves to twirl in her dresses.

Mary Koller said...

When I was 11-years-old, my older sister, Penelope, taught me to sew on my mother's old Singer. As the youngest of 6, with 3 older sisters, most of my clothes were hand-me-downs. The first thing I made was a jumper, red and white seersucker stripes, a yolk and cap sleeves, with blue rick-rack embelishment. I remember having to put in the zipper 3 times. I think my sister was tired of teaching me and kept making me do it over! I can still vividly remember not only the dress, but the experience of learning a skill that I love to this day.

DaiseyB said...

I grew up in a Childrens Home and new clothes for me always meant having to go to the charity or donation box. When I turned 12 I got to go to my last foster home and we went shopping in downtown Seattle for a new dress to wear on the day I left. It was a pretty pink and white gingham. I loved that dress and wore it for as long as I could. When I got to big for it I turned it into 2 pillows for my bed. I love this line of fabric and think that some of these prints would be just as pretty in a dress for us big girls to.

heartsease54 said...

One of my favorite dresses from my childhood is one my Mother made for me. It was a gold corduroy with little flowers printed on it. She made it as a jumper, then made me an underdress that had eyelet lace on the hem to peek out from under the full skirt. I loved that outfit.

Pip said...

It was black calico with tiny yellow and red flowers on trellis. There were silk and organdy dresses made by mother but the simple cotton calico with the yellow daisy rick rack spoke of Mother's tenderness, the most.

Victoria Campbell said...

My Mom had 8 girls.... and little money.. she had to make clothes by hand.. she never had a pattern.. she would hold up newspaper against us and draw an outline of our body.. and make her pattern... She never had a sewing machine. She did it all by hand... In the late 40's and early 50's, pinafores were the thing... Each dress had underpanties to match the dress, and a white pinafore....... Oh! I was so proud of my treasures made by Mom... I never realized that all the little girls like me didn't have these sets like my sisters and I.. My oh my, have I taken Mom for granted...

Anne said...

When I was eight, my mother made me an Easter dress from fabric printed with flocked, pink rosebuds tossed against a background of pure white. I had chosen the fabric myself. I can still vividly recall the raised texture of the flocked motifs, tiny rosebud shadows shaded a winter white. The frock’s neckline was accented with a Peter Pan collar trimmed with narrow lace. Freshly starched and perfectly pressed, Mother had imparted a gentle crispness to this delicate, full-skirted dress. I adored my lovely dress because it was made just for me by my mama.

angelework said...

Although I have many memories of dresses I made for special occasions, dresses I made for special cousins and nieces, the dresses that immediately came to mind were the lovely pastel confections that we would pull from the chest to dress up in... my mother's prom and bridesmaid dresses in layers of pale blue and cream and green chiffon and tulle. We felt like princesses...

Anonymous said...

When I was a girl, I loved Easter - not just for the candy, for the dress too - pink, ruffles, flowers, and lace!

Anonymous said...


Pattie Crum said...

My favorite dress was the one I was wearing for my kindergarden class picture. It is the color kittens, from the Little Golden book, the four kittens with paint brushes painting everything.

Lee said...

When my son was three I decided to make his Halloween costume. It turned out so cute...I felt gratitude to my "old" Home Ec. teacher from high school who taught me to sew. So, I sent her a thank you card in care of my old high school. She wrote back and was so pleased. Sometimes when we get an idea for thanking those that give so much to us...we should acknowledge them.

cestcheeseplease said...

Mine wasn't a dress, it was a spring coat purchased from a store which was special in and of itself as my mother generally made all my clothes. So to have a store-bought coat was such a treat. This coat was a soft grey-green with princess seaming giving it that lovely flare at the hem. I truly felt like a princess on Easter Sunday wearing that coat!

Brenda said...

My mother made my cloths for me when I was a little girl. I remember getting into her sewing basket - I LOVED being in there and got in trouble every time I did. I would LOVE a box of fabric from The French General - or anything from The French General. Thank you for the opportunity!

Reader said...

I especially remember an autumnal colored, plaid jumpsuit that my mom made for me in kindergarten. I can see it so clearly in my mind.

Deborah said...

I was the flower girl at my Aunt's wedding in the late 50's. My mom sewed the dress and I remember well all the fittings as I stood on the dining room table. It was pink satin, with a very wide white satin sash and a very itchy crinoline underneath. I felt like a princess in that dress!

Cheryl (aka Kayly) said...

Mine was a yellow floral dress with lots of shirring across the top section. It was in a soft voile type fabric. One day, a persistent bee kept landing on the flowers. Result - one terrified child, but I still loved the dress. My mother made all my clothes. She had worked as a dressmaker, so the clothes were all beautifully made and very up-to-date. Her skills helped make ends meet in a working class family budget.

nancijin said...

every easter I would get a new dress,coat, hat, gloves and purse, my favorite was a lavender with a big white bow across the middle thanks for the giveaway and love the new paper line

Danielle Muller said...

my mother used to dress me in brown corduroy overalls! oh how i hated that! i wanted pretty frilly dresses like the other girls. i always tease her about it and tell her she ruined my childhood! kaari, i LOVE this collection! congrats to you! xoxo

carole brungar said...

When I was a young child right up until I was 13 my mother made all my clothes by hand. She sewed all my dresses and skirts and many of my shirts and tops, pyjamas and shorts. She was always knitting something for one of us children and we had jumpers for every occasion.
As a special treat she would buy me a pair of jeans or bell bottomed longs.
How I envied all my friends their store bought clothes.
But now when I look back over photos from my childhood, I see a child who was always dressed smartly and looked happy.
I admire my mum, she was a very talented woman and she has inspired me in more ways than I care to name.

I love your new fabric range! Congratulations. I'm sure this would be put to good use if I won it! x

Michele D said...

My mom learned to sew by making dresses for me. We would sit with the Eatons catalogue, I would point to the ones I liked. Now I think I was under 2, so I apparently was liking being dressed up at a very early age.
I remember a red tartan dress with a velvety sash. There is a photo of me sitting beside my brother, he in coordinating tartan short pants. We were squinting in the spring Calgary sunshine, this looks like about 1960 era.
I still love tartans, red has always been my favourites colour.

Your new lie Odile is wonderful, the aged red are perfection. Another spot on collection.

betty boop said...

My mother loved to smock so she had saved one of my dresses. And then I smocked dresses for my girls. What a lost art. And now I get to 'play' with French General fabric - how wonderful is that!

Lady Locust said...

Honestly, I can't remember my own dresses, and I have always loved 'old fashioned' style anything. One time I was spending the night with my cousins, and I had to wear a blue and white striped dress with BIG apples on it to church because I didn't bring a dress with me. It was awful. I would have been trilled to have a dress out of any of your lovely collection:)

Peg said...

Oh, I sure do remember a dress.
It was for my first semi-formal dance at school. I was just going to wear the dress that I had worn for communion and I was disappointed that I could not get a new one. Than night after taking my bath and getting my little makeup on I walked into my bedroom and laying on my bed was a new dress my mother had made for me! I was so happy and so surprised.

usagypsy said...

When I was very little I had a sailor's dress and my cousin had matching sailor's shorts. We are the same age and I guess our mothers thought it was cute. There is a photo somewhere as proof to that "cuteness"!

joanna taylor said...

i just remember it being a turquoise print (3 layered ruffle) and we did happen to live in france at the time while my dad was in the army in the 1950's-- and that's all (about the dress). still love my memory color of it.

Nancy said...

When I was younger my grandmother made many clothes for my sister and me. We often had dresses that matched, until we grew up that is. When we got older we started making our own clothes but nothing has as fond memories as those dresses that Grandmom made for us.

Kristy said...

I started at a very early age making all of my clothing, I did it to save money, but in reality I loved it. Sewing brought me joy. I remember my olive green dress with little puffy sleeves and tucks not only on the front bodice, but also the back. When I wore that dress I not only felt pretty but aslo proud. Thanks for giving me the opportunity to relish a memory of my childhood.

Judy said...

My mom was always making dresses so we matched and then when she had my sister. The 2 outfits I remember the best are the ones where she made all my cousins the exact same red dress and we all had matching Raggedy Ann & Andy dolls. The other was a Spirit of 76 print that she made a skirt for me with. I wore that skirt out but now that I think about it the fabric was really ugly. I've even made my own girls matching dresses when they were young. Thanks for the chance.

Juels said...

An Easter dress I Had as a child. As the middle child, quite often my clothing was passed down from an older sibling. But, one Easter, I had a new dress all my own!

Zuzan said...

A smocked crimson dress. I cannot remember the smocking colours but I have a photo of a happy 3-4 year old sitting on her Auntie's fence with not a care in the world. Plus just love the French connection with the name & children -love the collection.
Looking forward to seeing the patterns and to handle the "new baby".

Bennett said...

Always navy blue. When I was a little girl I was given a new coat and hat every spring for Easter. It was always a princess style coat and a sailor hat with a wide brim. Both were always navy blue. Is it a wonder that I now tend to prefer bright colors.

French 75 said...

My sister and I are 16 months apart. Everyone always asked if we were twins. One Easter, Mom made us identical dresses from dotted Swiss. The dresses were beautiful, but the seams were stiff and scratchy. They were so uncomfortable we were afraid to move for fear of the pain. Needless to say, we were two very well behaved girls at church that Easter.
I love your fabric designs and always look forward to the next one. Thanks for the give away.

Candace said...

The dress I think of from my childhood was one of the few dresses that my mom hasn't made during my life (prom, homecoming, wedding, ball gowns, christianing, etc). The reason this dress has always stuck out of my mind was because it had little bells tied into the underskirt. Something that I have re-created in several ballgowns over and over again. Enough that it became a signature of mine :)

cocoquilts said...

I love this new line of fabric!! Adorable! I have sweet memories of my mother sewing dresses for my sister and I! Of course we always matched! I do remember one Easter dress especially! My dress was white with lace and pink ribbons and my sister's dress had yellow ribbons! Sweet memories that I haven't thought of for many years!!
Thank you, Colette

jone hallmark said...

What a nice little "pause" to think about sewing and the dresses my mom used to make for me. I was very small for my age, so often the clothes in the stores were more suitable to younger girls. In eighth grade, I was invited to a dance and I remember picking out patterns with my mom that she then cut parts and pieces from to put together the most wonderful dress made from three separate patterns - I LOVED it! She did that so many times and I have all of them wrapped in tissue in a box - such an incredible gift of time, creativity and love.

kathy said...

I love that fabric! My grandmother used to make my mother and I matching dresses and this fabric reminds me of some of those dresses. Sweet memories, indeed.

baukje said...

Beautiful fabric!!! My mother always knitted my dresses in beautiful colors. I remember that i was very proud wearing these dresses.

Sherry :o) said...

My mom made flower girl dresses for my cousin and I for my Aunt's wedding. They had cool daisy belts (it was the 70's) and we got to wear real daisies in our hair...the a not so little girl dress - when my sister was getting married, I was 7 months pregnant and in the wedding, my mom helped us fashion a nice brides maid dress as the shops don't cater to pregnant women much LOL.

Love this new line - drooling much!Awesome giveaway - thanks much for the chance.

Lee said...

So pretty! I love these sweet prints! thanks.

Anonymous said...

My favorite dresses always had beautiful bows in the back that my father would tie. He was way better at it than mom.


SunflowerSkies said...

I always loved wearing my fancy Christmas and Easter dresses to school when I was little--my mom always let me! Thought it was the greatest thing ever.

Vicki K. said...

All of my dresses were sewn either by my mother or grandmother. My most favorite were made from cotton fabrics that I might even wear now - black and white checks, dark napoleonic blue, cherry red, nautical blue with white and black velvet (that one for Christmas). At that time, we wore dresses to (public) school everyday.

At one point in time, my mother sewed for three children, went to college full-time, kept our home, started student-teaching and helped my father in his work. I can still picture her finishing up my Easter dress on the Saturday before...

Anonymous said...

being one of five girls, we didn't have many outfits, but one summer I had the dress I loved wearing:
a pale pink and white striped sailor dress with a big pink collar. it still makes me happy to think about it.

Laura S said...

My mother was not a quilter, but quite a creative seamstress! When my grandparents lived in DC, she and my grandmother would take the train to NYC and spend the day "shopping". In Mom's dictionary, that ment brousing the isles on 5th avenue with her sketch book, sketching off the couture designs she liked as well as the little girls dresses. Then she would go back to Temple, TX...make patterns out of newsprint, and we'd all have designer fashions (of sorts). One year for Easter she made us cute pastel dresses with a pinafore to go over. On the pinafore she appliqued an Easter Basket, filled with eggs, and a pocket made of burlap in which she put a stuffed duckling....yes, a real stuffed duckling!

Tracey @ The Peony Teacup said...

I remember being about 5 and walking down the main street of our small town with my mom and telling her very loudly that there was a little girl wearing the exact same dress that my mum had made me.. and her shushing me, because it was the same dress.. I'd out grown it and she'd donated it to goodwill!

Kathy said...

Just found your website and French General - Beautiful fabrics. Would love to sew little girl clothes .

Anonymous said...

When I was in the third grade, my mother made me the twirliest, swirliest calico skirt ever! I loved it and wanted to wear it everyday!

Troublewithannie said...

I would love a chance to win this fabric-it is charming! My childhood dress memory involves my daughter. Having three sons and one daughter, I was deleted to find some delightful English fabric with which to sew her a dress. There was only one problem: I'd never sewn before! Sewing this dress was the beginning of my love for creating with fabric.

Rhonda D. said...

What wonderful fabric! My childhood dress memories involves
the fact that my sister & I were
one year apart. My grandma always
made identical dresses for us. Everyone thought that we were twins. Another memory is my first
"formal" that my grandma made me for my first piano recital. I was
6 years old, and couldn't reach the pedals on the piano. My dress
was pink, and had lots of netting.
I still have it. Thanks for the chance to win!

Sally said...

I got married shortly after Prince Charles and Princess Diana. I loved her dress and was so lucky that my mom worked tirelessly for months making my own wedding dress. I truly felt like a princess on my special day!

Awesome giveaway. Thanks for hosting :)

Gay said...

My mother made my best friend and me matching dresses. That was so much fun. We still talk about those dresses. I love this new collections.

Julie said...

After having four boys, I was so happy to have my first daughter.
Our favourite dress was navy blue pinafore with a red floral neck kerchief that attached to the dress.
The Odile fabrics remind me so much of that floral and colour.
I am currently teaching Kate how to sew and quilt.
It makes my heart sing to transfer some of my sewing skills, we are currently exploring my sewing machine.....

Polly Hope said...

When I was about 8/9 years old, The Brownies (Young Girl Scouts in UK) had a Dressing Up party, Theme - Babies. I was delighted to be able to wear a favourite dress that I had long since out grown.
a Vintage Clothkits dress, my mother had made for me as a toddler. Hair in bunches, rosy cheeks painted on, frilly pants sticking out of the way too short dress, but I loved it and the pleasure of wearing it again was wonderful.
at home time my mum forgot to collect me in the car. It was a LONG walk home. Along the busiest road in our little suburb...
BUT altho it took a few hours before I spoke to my mother again, the dress was loved no less.
I didn't wear it again tho :-)

Anonymous said...

my favorite memories of dresses, was pinning dresses for my mother. She had five daughters to sew for on special occasions. While pinning I would dream of the dresses I would make for my little girl, when I grew up. When I had my only child, a daughter, I loved every opportunity to make her a dress, as I worked I poured love into every stitch and imagined how she would look. My reward, her radiant smile.

model baju muslim said...
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Anonymous said...

My favourite robe was the one my mum stitched for my Godmother's wedding- a long one!

M.W. said...

My mom always sewed my clothes when I was young. I had this awesome brown velvet dress. I felt so special every time I wore it. It was beautiful. Thanks for the chance to win some lovely fabric.
Shawn M.

Unknown said...

I was the youngest of two girls, and I always remember fondly the exciting day when we'd look through the old clothes and see what would fit. I especially loved getting dresses from my sister that had been given or made for us and were just full of frills and furbilos. :) haha! I loved feeling like a princess in all the pastels and bows and pretty collars. And even though they had been worn before my by my sister, is was new to me, and was quite exciting! :)

Denise said...

My absolute favorite dress when I was about 8 years old, was the palest pink, with embroidered flowers, a ribbon sash and pleated skirt. Every Easter, that pops into my head and I have wonderful memories. Petit Odile will be wonderful to work with for my new grand daughters. Thank you!

Dottie said...

My favorite dresses were all of the dresses my grandmother made me. She was the most amazing seamstress. When I started kindergarten, she made an entire wardrobe of school dresses; each one was beautiful. I wish I had appreciated them more then; like I do now!!

Jackie said...

The white dotted swiss I wore for my first was so pretty. I loved that dress!

Maureen said...

When I was small my mother made me a 'drum dress'. The darling dress was light blue on top and bottom and the wide waistband looked like the sides of a drum with cording. I loved that dress so much!! I have never seen one like it. Great memory, thank you!

skfabcolectr said...

When I was a little girl, probably age 4-9 my mother would make matching dresses at Easter for me, my little sis and herself. One year she made the sweetest little spring peach colored coats for us as well as dresses. I loved the dress and coat and the next Christmas my sis and I both received a Chatty Cathy doll in trunks with wardrobes made by my grandmother (Babi) out of left over fabric from all the outfits our mother had made us in the past few years. I still have my doll and all her lovely vintage clothes. I may not have my favorite dress anymore, but Chatty has one just like I had with the same fabric. My granddaughter and I have fun playing with my doll and I get to make clothes for both of them now.

Jane, Naples, Florida said...

I love your story as much as I love your fabrics! I use your Moda fabrics often to sew my Flora Doora bags and they are always well loved.
Hope you keep coming up with new and wonderful designs.

Flora Doora

Tamara said...

My memory of childhood dresses was of a madras plaid dress and matching trimmed straw hat. I thought it was ugly but my mother was so impressed that it was MADRAS! Now if it had been made of french general fabric, petite odile, in particular...

Dorian Fletcher said...

My grandmother made me a butter yellow dress with a smocked bodice when I was about five. I loved the dress and as an adult, I taught myself to smock so I could embellish my own daughter's little dresses.

Warren said...

My mother made all my dresses when I was young but apparently our tastes differed at even an early age. She told me that she had worked very hard on completing a dress with a new pattern. When she tried it on her 3 yr old little girl and asked how she liked it....I took one look in the mirror and said, "I think it's perfectly tacky!" Only Heaven knows where I learned that phrase (mom thinks it was probably an older cousin).

Sharon K said...

Oh I just felt so very special when I wore the aqua ice-skating dress that a seamstress had made for me. It had a mock turtle neck and full flair short skirt. I loved that dress and it made me feel so special when I wore it. It still brings a smile to my face as I image myself skating over the ice in it... thanks for the opportunity to have this great memory bring a smile to my face right now. the power of beautiful fabric.

Sharon K said...

Oh I just felt so very special when I wore the aqua ice-skating dress that a seamstress had made for me. It had a mock turtle neck and full flair short skirt. I loved that dress and it made me feel so special when I wore it. It still brings a smile to my face as I image myself skating over the ice in it... thanks for the opportunity to have this great memory bring a smile to my face right now. the power of beautiful fabric.

Marcia said...

I learned to sew by my mothers side. We had one pattern we made many dresses from. I wore these as a young girl, about age 5 through 20. My mom handed some down to my niece but kept a few. The day I dressed my own daughter it brought tears to both of ud. I still have these dresses and am expecting my first granddaughter soon. My greatest hope is that my mother, now 80 years old will see these dresses on her great grand daughter. Yes they are getting a bit snagged, a tear here and there that has been repaired, I wonder if I might see them on my great grand dUghter someday.

.Trudi Sissons said...

My favorite dress was baby blue with a petticoat that showed just below the hemline, tied at the back and when I swirled or curtsied, well, I knew I was a princess.

Anonymous said...

Bravo! Again and again! Your fabrics continue to inspire me and want me to make more and more quilts. I am always looking for fabric that will compliment the fabric stash I already own and the French General lines do this so well. I remember wearing a pale pink dress that I wore until it no longer fit - thank you for the memories!

Anna Groth
Rochester, NY

Julie H. Rose said...

My mother made a lot of my clothes when I was a girl, but the memory that has stuck with me the most was when she made a dress with a smocked bodice. I believe it was the one and only time she did smocking, and it took a whole lot longer than she expected. By the time she was done with the lovely garment (she was a wonderful seamstress), I had reached puberty, and well, that flat smocked top no longer fit me! Still, I tried to wear it valiantly, as I knew how much time and effort she had put into it. I don't remember when I stopped wearing it, or if I only wore it the one time when she so proudly finished it up, but I do remember the beautifully sewn pale yellow gingham dress.

RED said...

What lucky children to have dresses made from this line! My Mom made me dresses from feed sacks from the mill where Dad had the "chop" ground for the dairy cows!

Robin Lemke said...

My favorite dress memory is the brown floral dress my mom made. My sister and I were very young flower girls in my aunt's wedding and felt awfully special to be included, and even more special to have such beautiful dresses. I would love to make something from this line for my two little girls.

Karen in Kentucky said...

I remember having one dress for every day of the school week and one special one for church on Sundays. Only one pair of shoes though!

Judypam said...

I absolutely loved a 'Ladybird' dress in red brushed cotton tartan fabric - it was so soft, snuggly, and cheerful in our dull English winters.

Monica said...

One of my most treasured keepsakes is a portrait of my mother and aunt, dressed in lacy white baby dresses, (taken in 1917), which became the impetus for my collection of antique children's clothing. That, and a box scattered with tiny rosebuds and tied up in blue ribbon that once sat on a shelf in my mother's closet. Inside that box, lovingly wrapped in tissue, lay the most exquisite, pale 'robin's egg' blue china silk baby coat (mine) with a matching bonnet ... both delicately embroidered, hand-smocked and finished 'round by rows of tiny Valenciennes lace trim. Those two things sealed the deal ... leaving me with a lifelong fascination for beautiful needlework, fine fabrics and an enduring love for beautiful children's clothing. Your new fabrics are absolutely wonderful ... !