Wednesday, February 22, 2012

A Bag of Winners

I wish I could send everyone a bag of our paper is so hard to only give away a handful! But, I have to limit myself or I will be packing and shipping for the next week! So, without further ado...the winners, chosen randomly, are:
Jen Clair
Lisa from Lisa Call Designs
Nancy from Silly Stitching
Kimberly Jones, and
April Sunshine
Please send a note to with Scrap Winner written in the subject line and we will send out a bag of bits and pieces from the new paper collection with Jolee's Boutique. Once you have made up something beautiful, please send us a picture so we can share your work with everyone!
Thanks for playing along - and keep your eye out for the collection to be in craft and scrapbook shops this Spring!


  1. You should have heard my intake of breath when I saw my name! I'm so excited! I can't wait!

  2. Thank you for your lovely blog!
    Yours, Ulla (from Finland)

  3. Thanks so much! I just discovered that I won a bag of your fabulous scraps, and I'm so thrilled!! Thanks from the bottom of my heart!

  4. I am so excited. I sent my address in right away. I hope you got it. I love everything French General!
