The garden at French General is in full bloom. The roses are climbing up over the walls, the bougainvillea has almost covered the front door and the vegetables are starting to spring up (minus the beets!) My old gardener, Anselmo, came and helped me plant hollyhocks and lavender as well as an herb garden, heirloom tomatoes, squash and peppers. The hot days of summer are coming, along with the harvest of fresh vegetables!
it's such a wild jungle, i just love it. sitting in that back garden is like being in france, itself. you is one good gardener, miss kaari!
I stumbled across your blog after reading The Constant Garderner. I have loved your website for years--so I was thrilled to find your blog. I was fortunate enough to go to Paris last year--and have now found myself loving all things French. I have marked your blog and will check it often.
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