When traveling around, hunting for old notions, I love seeing the rows and rows of old boxes, stacked up years ago - just waiting to be opened and rifled through. For years, I was only able to see these boxes from the front counter - then after much convincing and sweet-talking, I was able to finally get into the back room, the basement or the attic. These old boxes are usually covered in layers of dust, so I tend to carry around latex gloves with me - otherwise my hands are covered with ancient history within minutes.

Constructed out of heavy brown cardboard, made by hand, the boxes have survived being packed in Europe, shipped to New York, unpacked and set up on shelves - where they have sat for years, maturing slowly. I am constantly amazed how well these boxes have held up - I always ask my dealers to ship the goods as is - don't take them out of the boxes. For me, the box provides a bit of history about the item - where it was made - US Occupied Germany - which in turns tells me when it was made - somewhere between 1945-1949.

Sometimes the smallest treasures are found in old boxes, like these monogrammed ribbons - originally used for marking laundry. Some of the ribbon has slowly disintegrated over the past 100 or so years, but the boxes are still fully intact. One of these days I have to start unloading these boxes, recycle them and move them out of FG - but for now, they make good storage for old bits and pieces.
1 comment:
And to think I threw out all those cool old boxes that your little saints came in!
Sorry Kaari...I just didn't get it back then ; )
I LOVE your blog!
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