2009 Riverside Drive
Los Angeles, California 90039
If you are planning on crafting at the tables, please leave me a comment or send me an e-mail and we'll save you a seat.
(How about that new sign? We're hoping to out smart the person who "borrowed" our last one - this time it's painted on the wall so there's no messing around!)
(How about that new sign? We're hoping to out smart the person who "borrowed" our last one - this time it's painted on the wall so there's no messing around!)
See you Monday!
Oh, how I wish I could be there, Kaari! Have a lovely day and I'll see you next time I'm in LA :~)
Elaine in Portland
Best of luck on your new opening - wish I could be there.
Lorrie in Victoria (BC)
My heart sings, the 4th home ( as I remember) for French General, and at every address, I feel at home. A place where my toes curl with discovered old treasure and new ideas. Wish I could be there, I am in sprit! OX Hol
I'd love to come craft - I'll be there for the celebration!
Please add my name to the list - thank you!
Lorna McDonald
I cannot believe someone stole your sign. :( see you Monday.
Best wishes and much luck in your new space...it almost makes me wish I lived on the west coast and not the east!
Wish you the best luck in new location. I wish I could be there!
please save me a seat at the table. can't wait to see the new space!
do i need to specify time?
I am so glad I found your blog! I have been a fan of yours for quite a few years. I was fortunate enough to stumble upon your shop our first time to NYC in November of 2001. I was exploring SOHO and was totally entranced by your charming store. I spoke with two lovely women and maybe one was you?! Anyway, the next year we returned and I searched the streets but you had disappeared. I thought I remembered wrong but later learned you had moved. So I found your website and have bought your books. Thank you for your wonderful inspiration. I have never been to LA but if I ever do, I hope I can visit your current shop. Keep up the amazing work!
Hello! I would love to reserve a spot for the flower class; any particular time? Best, Juliet
Have a lovely day !
nice idea painting it on the wall! i have you guys on my must visit list next time i'm in LA... hopefully it'll be early next year!
Oh how I wish I lived nearer to your shop/studio...Have fun!...Katie
Congratulations, Kaari! Here is a posting about your «Rouenneries» fabrics and all the wonderful places on the web that use them in quilt construction. Enjoy!
So glad you are open again - what are your new hours? Fridays only?
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