I need to work out the menus for the different tables and then I need to figure out where to find a set of pink lustre teacups and then I need to write to Chimay and ask if they will send me some of their wonderfully perfect shaped beer glasses and then I need to look through old textile swatch books to think about color combinations and early indienne prints.....what else can I do?
To me, writing a book is as much about writing as it is about inspiration - what is moving me now, what is making me feel fresh and new - how old can something be and yet still feel contemporary and fit in with how we entertain today?
Sitting and writing takes my full concentration, commitment and focus - I have to give myself inspiration time and writing time - so that, hopefully, the two will meet up somewhere in the middle and create a story.
I have to remember......stay calm and carry on.
however you
do it...
do not change a thing
it is working!
stay calm and carry on
excellent photo op, dude! and listen, you know how to write a book like nobody's bizness!
Kaari...this picture says it all! Hang in there...the 'words' will come as they always do!
debi...the "junkin' yaya"
I could'nt imagine writing a book, I can relate to the picture.
Be yourself, take a breathe, something might just come to you when you don't expect it.
Kaari i love your first book, good luck with your third......... is it? with love didi emus
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