Although we thought more people would be challenged to dig into their stash and create a
Scrap Beauty - it seems there are more hoarders out there than I knew! A handful of entries made it's way into our studio - and here is a look at the best of the best - actually everything we got! Enjoy these fun creations - made by people all over this big country! Thank you to everyone who participated and for your patience...everything takes a little time around here!
So - what do you say, should we have a vote? Leave a comment and tell me your favorite creative scrap project - the winner will receive $100 gift certificate to my
favorite website and a copy of Home Sewn. Vote - it won't cost you a dime! Merci!
I love the teddy bear and my second favorite are the bird sisters.
It's too hard to choose-they are all cool, but if I have to, I'd definitely say "Sisters".
Though the pants come in a close second...oh, and that bear!!!!!
Yummy yummy art!
The bear is pretty amazing.
I vote for the bookmarks.
Simple and sweet!
Well I thought about sending something in and thought you'd be overwhelmed so...I didn't!
All of the projects are wonderful - my vote would be for the Pants Pants Revolution! Fun and stashing busting, too.
The birdies are my favorite... Wonderful scraps put together on these!
I absolutely love the stuffed hearts. How wonderful to use what you already have in your stash. What a concept.
I vote for the worn little bear!
I love the teddy bear he looks worn...loved.
The birds sisters are pretty sweet especially the little one w/ the scarf.
I vote for the stuffed hearts mainly because I love everything 'hearts'. LindaSonia
I have a soft spot in my heart for teddy bears : )
I love them all, but that teddy bear has won my heart. I can't stop looking at that sweet thing!
Definitely the pants!
I love the stuffed hearts. They could work in so many rooms/decors, and would be a terrific addition to a special gift basket to pamper someone!
obviously! they are so fresh and awesome, and with nine nieces susan clearly used up so much of her stash!!!!
I am all for the Pants, Pants Revolution!!! I would love to see all nine!! What an effort, what fun, what use of stash! The detail is quite clever and shows such personality!! I wish I had a pair --- and the stash to make them!!!
Definitely the pants!
I love wearable art, so my vote is for the pants. And they certainly used a lot of stash! Great job!
I am going to have to choose Carol Kirland's Teddy bear ... for two reasons, 1)I am an absolute sucker for teddy bears, love them madly, and 2) I like how Carol made the bear look loved to death. I think that is really and truly, charming.
If I may, I'd also like to vote for a runner up ... Susan Elliott's Pants Pants Revolution. I love that she involved nieces and they all made pants with Susan's stash. Brava Susan, for getting the kids involved. I think it is spectacular that you thought to involve the kids and who knows, in exposing those kids to fabric and art, you may have sparked an interest in creating with your Pants Pants revolution!
The bear wins my vote! So many lovely things, but his personality, and the placement of the mohair are perfect.
Can I vote for myself? :)
They are all great! My vote is for the hearts.
I vote for Pants revolution, although all entries are good.
I love the Hearts; the colors, the lace, and the beads are beautiful!!
I love the hearts, especially so close to Valentine's Day since they really capture the romance!
oh i love the bookmarks! I just had a similar idea the other day, but I used ribbon strips that I had collected and saved from our gifts after christmas. :)
that reminds me...i should post about it in my blog this weekend. :)
Pants Pants Revolution! Fun and beautiful!
I enjoyed looking at all of them. My vote goes to Pants Pants Revolution, for more reasons than project appeal. By getting the neices involved Susan has planted the seed that may lead to one or all of them to pursuit sewing as a creative expression. Its so important to pass love of needle art to the next generation.
Thank you and Goodnight~~LOL
Definitely the Pants! It made the material and the people smile! How could you not be happy with a pair of pants like those!
So fun!
Cheers, Denise
Pants Pants Revolution!!
Pants, Pants Revolution. She really dug into her stash.
The bear is a close second, but it was a more intimate kind of stash.
while all are beautiful and very creative, the love letter holder speaks to me. what better way to use treasured scraps....now they will hold treasured love letters!!!
Oh my! Those bird sisters are to die for! They get MY vote!
hmm did my vote for Teddy go through?
I love the dancing teddy bear by Coral (or is it Carol); the bits are all so old and faded and the bear is adorable. And I love old mop buttons!
My favorite creative scrap project? Oh, you've got me tripping down memory lane. Here's what I wrote when I read your question:
oh my gosh, a patchwork curtain! I’m not sure what it started out as; I just remember that I had to cut and sew! Everything in squares because it was less overwhelming that way and I didn’t care about patchwork pattern – there was enough pattern in the fabrics! I just wanted to sew and make something beautiful out of nothing.
I used it all: the small checked fabrics - one in green and the other in yellow and orange - that I’d used for those shorts I’d made in high school a few years before; that dark green calico-print left over from the skirt I wore my first day as a freshman at Lincoln High in Wisconsin Rapids; the gauzy dark blue print – later the first squares to fray from repeated washing – from a Goodwill dress.
The patchwork went through many incarnations – it was a big roller shade with pulleys at the apartment in Edina, where the window faced south, making the patchwork look like stained glass; then it became two roller shades at the little house in St. Louis Park; the pieces were later folded over pillows on a window seat for that house high on the hill in Duluth, overlooking Lake Superior. The last I remember it I’d sewn the fabric back together with big added-on borders to make a curtain for a sliding-glass door back in Minneapolis at the house called Big Blue.
The heart did, in fact, pierce my heart with light as promised by the artist! Kristine's "stash" is a well equipped quiver. Moreover, she really addressed the context of FRENCH GENERAL calling for stash projects by bringing the literature and music of French Romanticism, feminist politics, the French language,and the French flag palette to her ribbons and buttons. Kristine's hand and mind obviously meet at the heart and that will get my vote every time. Voila!
Pants Revolution by far! A very clever idea and a real stash buster.
#5, the jeans.
Susan made very good use of her stash with all these jeans, and the girls made very fun jeans with her stash!
That heart pillow is the only entry that is anything French, I didn't think about that at first. I wonder if the embroidery was done for the piece or if it was stashed? Either way, the heart gets my vote!
All of the projects are wonderful! I especially loved the jeans...and the teddy bear, too. It's just too hard to choose one--the hearts and the bookmarks were lovely as well...
Juliet in SoCal
Hi there~ I've admired your boutique via magazine articles and didn't know you had a blog! What a wonderful discovery :)
Being that I am partial to dolls it's a tie between the teddy bear and the bird girls:)
Bend, Oregon
Kudos to Susan and her Pants Pants
Revolution creation....absolutely
Dancing Teddy Bear is my second favorite. Coral, my daughter, Abbey, would love to have one of your precious bears!
Hats off to everyone - they're all clever and cute entries. But my vote goes to Susan for Pants Pants Revolution - not only for a great stash-busting idea, but for involving her nieces in reusing and recycling!
Without a doubt--Pants Pants Revolution gets my vote!
The bird sisters are my favorite. Very hard to choose as they are all really cool but those birdy little bundles of cute-ness are fabulous and I'm partial to all things birdy anyways :)
I love the bear for it's textural qualities and sweet look. But, I have to admit that those hankie bookmarks are a great idea and a great use for things that sometimes are not useful as a whole (or hole, as the case may be..or spot or whatever). I may have to try that.
My fave is #2, the stuffed hearts. They are something I would have in my home-sort of shabby chic.
I vote for the bird sisters!
The bear. The bird sisters are cute but the bear takes the cake.
i vote for Susan's pants. they are beautiful, but more importantly, she made so many people happy by making them - herself, her nieces and all the people who will smile when they see the pants worn.
Love, love the bear! But the other entries are also gorgeous, especially the hearts and the bird sister. I rather choose them all. :)
Warm greetings, Jeannette
I couldn't decide between the bear and the hearts. Everything was so creative and inspiring...I may have to dig my way to my stash and try my hand at something. :)
OOPS! I misunderstood the question. Excuse my ramble.
Just like almost everyone, they are all so awesome!
I have always loved birds and da sistas normally would be my first choice...BUT...that sweet little bear has ever so secretly stole my attention. The more I look at him, the more I want to make one myself. AND...part of my stash includes an old sweater or two!
The hearts won my heart, that's where my vote goes.
I vote for the hearts since they have a way of finding a home with me - I can't resist buying anything heart-shaped or with a heart on it!!
Definitely the Pants!! Susan certainly used her creative talent.Those jeans are treasures and it looks like she used a variety of stashed goodies. How wonderful to engage all those nieces who have treasured rewards.Boy do I wish I had such a wonderful Aunt who knows how to she her talents and gifts with others.Marie
I hope the jeans win!
I must have missed the contest posting. Darn. It's hard to pick a favorite as they are all great but I think the birdies.
Bear & stuffed hearts close behind.
The bear is too petable, adorable, and lovable to not win as scrap beauty! Love his jaunty hat and Sunday-best-bow. Charming.
They are all beautiful but the teddy bear steals my heart!
It was fun looking at the "stashing" projects. And fun looking at your "favorite"site. I vote for the heart pillow as my favorite. The jeans ran a close second. Very creative all of them.
I loved he bears, then the birdies but the bears have it.. Kathy H.
My favorite is the Love Letter Holder. But they are all very charming.
Definitely the hearts by Kristine Doiel. I love the way she's incorporated the heartfelt (pun intended) quote into these beautiful pillows. Art and love are what the world needs more of! Deatra
I really like number 2. The color choices, the inscription and texture of the harts make it very personal.
I vote for the Sister birds....very eclectic and creative!
The jeans, and the great story behind them are my faves! Superb work everyone - fabulous uses of scrap fabric.
While all entries are wonderful, I vote for Susan Elliott's "Pants Pants Revolution"! Love that not only did she re-purpose her old fabric into a wearable work of art, she included her nieces, as well! She's creating a future generation of the creators we are now! Way to go!
Hi--Oh, the bear gets my vote for sure--so adorable!
The Jeans....too cute!!! Gotta love it when you can wear your stash!!! :)
I vote for the Sisters.
Although EVERY ONE gets kudos for their wonderful creations...Those bird dolls are A-D-O-R-A-B-L-E...get my my #1 vote!!! My runner ups are the chair slip covers for Barbie (wow on the sewing skills)& love letter holder---soooo romantic of an ideaxoxo
"Sisters" by Gretchen Ciccotti.
I love them!
I vote for the pants revolution.
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