Wednesday, August 27, 2008
Setting the Table

Monday, August 25, 2008
Ticking Swatches

Elizabeth tells the story of how, many years ago, she was driving down some old rural road in the countryside of France when she spotted a vide grenier sale (attic sale) - she found all sorts of treasures within the old house and then asked if they had any other textiles for sale. The pointed her towards the old barn. When she walked in, she saw turn of the century bed tickings from floor to ceiling. The tickings had been stripped of their feathers and were left to be burned. The farmers had taken the feathers to sell, but the cloth was useless to them. Elizabeth bought every last ticking from that old French barn and started decorating with them - she covered sofas, club chairs and settees.
The old tickings are getting pretty rare to find in France - as are most of the old fabrics. Every once in a while, I get lucky and run into an old dealer that has a trunk full of stripes and florals....it's a part of French history that has slowly disappeared over the last few years - slipped into private homes and chateaus.
Friday, August 22, 2008
Back to the Loom

Since weaving is a luxury for me, I have to remind myself - if I am not in a relaxed state of mind, it shows on my weft. You have to almost escape and let your mind wander about nothing, because if you start getting stressed about what you are going to make for dinner, how your car is rattling (again) or the latest deadline, you stress out the fibers and they look funky.
This stand-up on the bench idea looks interesting - but not very comfortable - I don't think weaving is a luxury for this woman - I am sure it is a necessity.
Thursday, August 21, 2008
Tuesday, August 19, 2008
Taking the Waters

For more than a century, sophisticated travelers flocked to Saratoga Springs to soak in the region’s culture and charm, as well as the area’s famed, soothing mineral waters.
By the mid 1800's, bathing in the mineral waters had become a common health treatment. The historic Roosevelt Baths and Spa opened in 1935 as a bathhouse. Many believe that regular bathing in mineral springs is an important factor in preventive health care and that using the mineral springs assists in reducing stress and strengthening the body's overall functioning.
At the bathhouses, the mineral water is combined with hot tap water to bring the water temperature to ninety-seven degrees Fahrenheit. This keeps the carbonation at its peak. During a bath the gas bubbles form on the skin producing a gentle stimulation. Some carbon dioxide is absorbed through the skin, thus dilating blood vessels and improving circulation.

Sunday, August 17, 2008
A Dying Art

My good friend, Polly Lyster, from Gloucester, is a master dyer. Polly uses vegetable dyes to color natural fibers like cotton, silk, linen and hemp in rich contemporary colors. She then designs and sews furniture covers, cushions, table linens and bed covers. Whenever I am in England, Elizabeth and I pay Polly a visit at her Tasha Tudor like cottage on Frog Woads Lane. On her property, she has set up a full operation with multiple dying vats and washing machines. There are always beautiful, old sheets hanging from her clothesline - drying in the sun, fading out just the right amount. Once in a while, Polly's mum will be visiting from India - where she moved 20 years ago - she regales me with stories from Rajasthan to Jaipur. Together, Polly and her mum scour the Indian textile market to find antique indigo textiles and document fabrics.
If you haven't dyed anything lately - put on a big pot of boiling water, add a package of Rit Dye and a handful of salt (the salt helps the fabric absorb and hold the dye better) and throw in some white pillowcases or napkins that have seen better days. Once the color you want is achieved, rinse with cold water and set out to dry. You will be amazed how quickly you can revitalize and recycle old textiles.
Friday, August 15, 2008
Textile Printing

We're starting a new project this month - and I am over the moon about it! After all of these years of collecting, buying (even hoarding!) old fabric - we are being given the opportunity to design our own collection of textiles.
Moda, a multi-line fabric, notions and finished product manufacturer, has been printing fabric since 1975, and has a roster or creative designers working with them.
Moda didn't actually say, the skies the limit, but in my mind...the skies the limit! I have been having fun pulling out all sorts of old fragments of early 18th century red florals and tickings that I have collected over the years from my friend Elizabeth Baer in Bath. I have a scrap off of an old French boutis that I am trying to stitch together in order to save the fantasy flowers.
And then there are the birds. Over the years, I have searched out all of the early botanical, tropical and aviary indienne prints I could find. These prints were popular during Queen Eugenia's reign when she had a love of everything from insects to arbors. The collection will have lots of shades of red and be grounded with beautiful indigos and browns - and hopefully will be classic in design but contemporary enough for our living spaces today.
Our collection will be available in 2009 at fabric and craft stores worldwide - as well as frenchgeneral.com. Stay tuned!
Thursday, August 14, 2008
Flowers and Fabric

Bloom was created in 1998, in response to the ever-growing lifestyles inspired by trends in flowers, plants and gardening. Bloom is the first magazine of its kind, filled with informative and inspirational photography and reports on the major trends in this area, and how this relates to fashion, interiors, design, packaging ,cosmetics, food and culture. Bloom speaks to all levels of the industry, from hybrid creators to growers, buyers, distributors and florists, as well as to the general public at large.
Launched in 2004, Selvedge offers the world’s finest textile photography, unparalleled design and peerless writing
Open a copy of Selvedge and you sense there is a philosophy that readers subscribe to. A belief system based on a cerebral and sensual addiction to textiles in all forms. Readers share a belief in the importance of their material surroundings and a passion for the beautiful and beautifully made.
These are two of my favorite magazines - they are hard to come by - but if you ever feel like splurging on the good stuff, subscribe to one (or both!) of these. You will refer to them over and over and get all sorts of inspiration and ideas.
Wednesday, August 13, 2008
Strange Overtones

David Byrne is an exception. I am so taken with him - I think it's because I have been listening to him since I was a kid and I am still in awe at what he is producing.
He just released a new album, Strange Overtones, with another amazing talent, Brian Eno, and, once again, I am so impressed.
I also love the way they are marketing the album. No big, fancy hype - just good, old word of mouth. Here's what David had to say:
"I’m also wondering whether the web-curious will allow news of the album to spread more or less by itself. In the past, I might have undertaken all kinds of expensive marketing plans to prepare for a record release: there would be a teaser, live shows, posters, magazine ads, interviews, and advance CDs sent to writers and reviewers. We’ve done a few interviews, but that’s about it. It will be interesting to see if audiences find out about this song — and the record — without all those marketing techniques, and solely through Internet word-of-mouth."
Molly turned me on to David's journal where you can download his new song and read about his comings and goings - and maybe even listen to his current play list....he's numero uno in my book.
Tuesday, August 12, 2008
Let's Make a Deal

I speak with one of my dealers almost every day - and it's usually the same conversation...but he always hopes that at the end of the conversation I will say, "Ok - send me a few pounds of that opaque lemon druk bead" - but most of the time, we just check in with each other - see how the other one is doing, throw in a bit of bead gossip here and there and then it ends with "Call me if you change your mind" or I say "Call me if you find any glass flowers, birds or leaves!"
Another dealer, here in Los Angeles, stops in French General every once in a while, last week she stopped in to invite me to her 81st birthday party this weekend. Her house is really her trunk - it is filled with textiles from around the world that she collected when she and her husband traveled the world during the seventies while he was a bigwig at Paramount Studios. Half the time she won't sell me what I want, because she is emotionally attached to it (something I also suffer from) but usually, she ponders on it a bit, tells me where she found it, what she had always wanted to do with it and then - let's go. I pay her whatever she asks, because she takes me on the journey with her - it's worth the trip.
Sometimes deals can go bad - but I usually give in before they do - because if I am fighting that hard I know I really want it. Take for example, the morning at Berger Beads last week. I have been visiting this old bead shop for 20 years, and, it still amazes me the old, old pieces they have in quantity. On this day, I knew exactly what I wanted. I went to the back, picked up the small boxes of old glass pearls and walked up to the counter. Along the way, I spotted some old, old, old cranberry dimpled glass on wire - the cranberry glass that was made with the flash of gold, it sparkled.
The dealers spotted me, they knew I had found something beautiful. Let the games begin. I thought it was overpriced, so they came down a bit. I offered. They countered. And on and on it went. For almost an hour!! Finally, the owner walked in - I had been dealing with the counter-dealer - there was a bit of hushed talking between dealers. Finally, I said to the owner, this is what I am offering, do you want it or not? - he quickly said, Done! I loved it. My brother said he heard the counter dealer cry out, "OOOOOOHHHHH" - as if she had lost. The owner knew it was a good deal for both of us and we were both satisfied. But oh what a struggle!!
I guess that's what some business is all about - a good deal at the end of the day.
Thursday, August 07, 2008
Inspiration: Old Red
Wednesday, August 06, 2008
Calling Cards

I've lived the past ten years without a business card - nothing to hand out...unless I dig up some old card I printed years ago. I like it and I don't. On one hand, if people want to remember who you are, they will find a way. On the other hand, I look like a fool for not handing out my business information to people who might be interested in doing business with us.
The Japanese love a good business card, in fact, they hand you their card before you even have had a chance to exchange names. The networking is important. They have learned that to be successful it is important to spread the good news - let everyone know what you are doing and how can you connect and do something creative together.

Monday, August 04, 2008
Field Trip: Grand Central Market

Today, my brothers, Dawn and I all decided to take the day off and take a little tour of some of my favorite spots in downtown Los Angeles. We started at Berger Bead, strolled through Michael Levine's and ended up at the Central Market on Broadway and 3rd. Central Market dates back to 1917 when well-to-do Angelenos rode the Angels Flight Railway down to the best open-air shopping in town. At the market, they could find an entire world of treats for all the senses and all the family. Today you still can. Over 38 vendors offer the finest selection of produce, delicacies and unique items from around the world - but mostly, it is a Latino market. Homemade mole, overstuffed pupusas with loroca flowers, and piles and piles of dried chiles. The visit was filled with color, scents and tastes - just what I needed to get my creative juices flowing.
Sunday, August 03, 2008
Entertaining Writers Block

I need to work out the menus for the different tables and then I need to figure out where to find a set of pink lustre teacups and then I need to write to Chimay and ask if they will send me some of their wonderfully perfect shaped beer glasses and then I need to look through old textile swatch books to think about color combinations and early indienne prints.....what else can I do?
To me, writing a book is as much about writing as it is about inspiration - what is moving me now, what is making me feel fresh and new - how old can something be and yet still feel contemporary and fit in with how we entertain today?
Sitting and writing takes my full concentration, commitment and focus - I have to give myself inspiration time and writing time - so that, hopefully, the two will meet up somewhere in the middle and create a story.
I have to remember......stay calm and carry on.
Saturday, August 02, 2008
Just for the Record

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