I have finally finished the rag rug that I began weaving over a year ago! Woven out of old hemp scraps dyed in shades of red and coral, cotton vichy fabric from France and scraps of cotton and wool yarn, this is truly a rag rug - in the best sense of the word! After finishing the weaving on the loom, I finished it by twisting the cotton warp ends and then letting them twist upon themselves and then knotting each so they wouldn't unravel.
I thought originally, Sofia would want to put this at the side of her bed to keep her little feet warm - but now I am wondering how I could ever put this project of love on the floor? We'll have to wait a few more weeks before we lay it down or roll it up and put it in the armoire for the next 25 years - it was chosen as one of the entries for the Barnsdall Student Art Show.
okay, A. big congrats on being chosen for the show. that's super rad.
and, B. its GORGEOUS!!! (did you already send me a b'day present? cuz my toesies could use something by the side of the bed....)
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