Sometimes - I am totally uninspired - empty, negative, nada. It feels strange, uninvited and foreign - I don't like it. It creeps up on me out of nowhere and sometimes sticks around for a long time - even longer than the time before. When this happens, I think of a couple of people that I have known (and a few that I haven't) and I wonder if they ever feel this way. I'm not sure - but I am hoping that every once in a while Johnny Cash had those days when he couldn't produce anything - couldn't write, sing or even communicate his message. How does one find the inspiration to be creative when it just doesn't come naturally? And what is an acceptable amount of time before we should worry about our lack of inspiration - does it always come back? Anyway - not the sort of thing we should be worrying about in the middle of the holiday season - but sometimes the funk comes out of nowhere and I know if I just put a little Johnny on...it will be alright. The circle won't be broken.....
Lots of people seem to catch holiday funk or maybe its just the darkness of winter...either way, do not fret...the light will come again and you shall gain inspiration and enthusiasm. My solution (the one that doesn't include a box of cookies and a gallon of ice-cream)...is to plan something...a trip, a party, a shopping excursion, a re-decorating project...something that I can occupy my thoughts with and focus my energy on. Certainly, surfing our blogging friends sites helps too! Good luck and don't give up...you have provided so much inspiration to the rest of us!
Take care, Laura
Hi Kaari, The light & inspiration that you provide to so many is so appreciated! Your jelly roll of gorgeous fabrics arrived and it is so, so gorgeous! Those designs are filled with your creativity and it's so appreciated.
Wishing you a lovely, Merry Christmas!
Oh Kaari, it's the holidays. Maybe your "funk" is there for a reason, letting you know that maybe you need to focus on other things right now such as family and the real reason for the season. Maybe reflect on how lucky you are and the blessings that you've received. Once all of this clears, you might be amazed at the inspiration that comes flooding back to you. You won't loose it...you are much too talented for that!!! I know that for a fact since I met you at Silver Bella!!! YOU are an inspiration!!!!
Relax and ENJOY the holidays. Once Johnny's tune comes to an end...you might just be surprised at what comes out of that brilliant mind of yours!!!!
everything vintage
It is incubation, not lack of inspiration. It is a necessary winter.
Whatever it is, it's no fun. I feel the happiest when the creative bubbles are *bubbling*..like God is breathing His gift right through my veins. It's a good thing to remind myself that He is breathing His gift of life on me, even when I don't feel it. Does that make sense?
wow...all this AND you listen to Johnny Cash- You will forever be my hero...and a point of inspriation!
Yes! The same thing happens to me and i start to panic, afraid that my creativity will never come back.
Nope, just a time to look around for more data (exposure to something new) to cut and paste, gather and store, catch and release. With a little day dreaming, it (data) will sort itself into wonderful new ideas for you to share with us!
Hi Kaari!
I know how you feel...I go thru times when I feel this way too! I have lost your email address but won your giveaway of a wool roving kit but never recieved it, I debated asking but it could have gotten lost in the mail too...please email me and we can figure it out... thanks! karen....
Kaari, we all get these feeling now and again. I think it is our bodies telling us to have a well earned break. I am sure after the year you have had you require a "well earned break" - so relax and it will all come good soon. You will be nice and refreshed and ready for more beautiful designs and ideas, which we will all love. Cathie from Oz
you cannot force it and if you do it shows you have to allow your self down or off time and you have to think about something else time off allows fresh ideas time to develop even if you do make your living selling what you come up with..
if it helps, i've been pouring over your book - HOME SEWN - that a friend gifted me. it's FILLED with inspiration - thank you. happy holidays to you and may the new year bring you all the inspiration you need!
When I'm feeling in a bit of a funk, I just try to relax and not force it. That just makes my frustration and disappointment that much more difficult. And then I go and spend extra time with our young daughter, and soon the inspiration comes back.
Take care and Jouex Noelle!
Jennifer S.
We all have those kind of days, I think more so around the holidays.
why don't you check out my new blog, that should get your inspiration flowing, sista!
Hopefully, the lack of inspiration is due to the holiday busyness. You certainly have inspired me! I have at this very moment on my craft table a charm pack of your new fabric and a bit of yardage to make a quilted table runner - I cannot stop looking at your gorgeous fabric! I also received my copy of Home Sewn in the mail today and cannot wait to make something from it too! Just as soon as I clear all this Christmas stuff and gift bags off the craft table. :)
Yes, I think we all go through that at times. It's part of being a creative personality. Just like a performer, no one can exhibit her talent all the time! That's not even reasonable to expect of ourselves. I know I've been ever-guilty of thinking I had to create a marvelous work of art each and every time I go into my studio. Not so. One thing that I've noticed works for me is to (to borrow a phrase from Nike) "just do it." That is to say that when I'm not feeling the least bit inspired, I often just get into my studio and make myself work on something more mundane. Maybe it's just organizing my space. Or perhaps it's just picking up that old project I've been meaning to finish but was too "inspired" doing other things to mess with. Whatever the case, when I tell myself that I'm not really "creating" per se, I find that I can get started. And wouldn't you know, before I have a chance to realize it, that sneaky ol' creavity snuck in and I'm off and running again! Happens every time!
I'm sure this post will find you out of that "funk" but just in case one weaves it's way back into your life....{although it's never IF it's WHEN} Because we all find ourselves in ruts. As an artist looks at his work again and again- it's always recommended to take a step back- new perspective. Or really step away from it, take a deep breath, dig deep.
Funny how this always seems to hit in the midst of the most inspiring time of year...I think because by the time the holidays hit, we've been creating, designing or talking "christmas" for months before the day actually arrives.
When I "hit the wall" a few things I recommend..
1.I get lost in the book store leafing through magazines and books- that escape always leaves me refreshed and in the mood to create more...
2. It's true the blogosphere can be a nice departure - taking you to the ends of the earth visiting with creative beings of all kinds (but set your timer or it will turn into an all day time sucker)
3. cooking a meal, listening to good music, or changing up your routine helps revive the creative juices...
4. And one of my favorites- spending time with a creative friend -have a craft day. Once you start playing, you'll start creating without the burden of having a deadline or an "agenda"
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