Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Meet me in St. Louis!

I'm getting ready to head back to St. Louis at the end of April - I know it sounds like it's years away - but to me, it's right around the corner! Mary Englebreit and Barbara Martin, former editor of Mary Englebreit's Home Companion Magazine have organized a jam-packed creative weekend - including studio tours of Mary's creative space. I am teaching two different classes - each twice - a jewelry class - where we will be making this charming turquoise bracelet - and a millinery flower class - where we will be creating fabric flowers out of our new line of fabric, Rural Jardin. It will be a grand four days in St. Louis and some of my favorite people will be teaching, speaking or even sitting on a panel - Amy Butler, Marcia Ceppos from Tinsel Trading, Margo Tantau, Wendy Addison, Kathy Curotto, and Charlotte Lyons - among many others. I've heard there are still a few spots left, so if you're in need of a creative get together - please join us! Read more about the weekend and sign up here. See you in St. Louis!


Shirley--Knot-y Embroidery Lady said...

I love the colours in your bracelet. If I lived in St. Louis I would be in your class. Beautiful work.

Robin Thomas said...

Jemellia and I will be there. You have no idea how we look forward to it after this dark and cold winter...

Judith Tetley said...

If I could walk on water I'd be at your class..... just love the bracelet!
Hope we get to see the handmade flowers made out of your gorgeous fabric....I'm still working with Rouenneries; haven't had a chance to think about Rural Jardin...but I will!
Kind Regards
From Judith in Australia

Curious Sofa said...

Thanks for the reminder. I just signed up. Can't wait to see you and really talk (and not just wave at you like we did at Silver Bella!) Maybe dinner one night?

Anonymous said...

You are so inspiring!! I wish I could just drop by and see you in SL..

Cheryl Carey Bass said...

Oooh! That looks like so much fun. How I wish I could make that. I'm actually from Springfield, MO, originally and would love to visit my mom and then head up to St. Louis for a few wonderful days. Too bad it's not in the cards for me right now. Have a great time seeing everyone and good luck on your classes. I know you'll do wonderfully.

Anonymous said...

Wow!!! really lovely bracelet.This one is an instant classic!