Our Maison de Garance quilt is a small 46 x 46 applique quilt with a beautiful old house on the front, designed by JZ and Keiko Clark, sewn by Penny Tucker and quilted by Debbie Thorton. This is one of those quilts that you not only want to make, but want to keep.
Reine des Abeilles is a larger quilt, 75 x 82, with a charming hexagon pattern and a wide border print, designed and sewn by Keiko Clark and quilted by Debbie Thorton. I think this quilt would look perfect on an old farm bed or hung on the wall - it's got a great balance of light and dark and lots of red, of course.
It's been a long time coming for us to try out the waters with kits and patterns, but I think I am finally beginning to understand what goes into the pattern making business....a lot!! We've made up 50 of each of these kits- hoping they are loved by the quilting community. Each kit is complete with the fabric and pattern. The Maison quilt comes with a full size template for the house applique and the Reine quilt comes with a plastic hexagon template. Both kits are packaged in a fabric carry-all with two custom labels. I hope you enjoy our first two quilts - and if you make one of the kits, I would love to hear your feedback. Please e-mail me your comments and ideas at notions@frenchgeneral.com. Merci!
Reine des Abeilles is a larger quilt, 75 x 82, with a charming hexagon pattern and a wide border print, designed and sewn by Keiko Clark and quilted by Debbie Thorton. I think this quilt would look perfect on an old farm bed or hung on the wall - it's got a great balance of light and dark and lots of red, of course.

Quilts may be ordered on our website: www.frenchgeneral.com
Hi Kaari,
I cannot tell you what a thrill it is to see the quilts (that have been in our minds and hands for the last few months) now on your website. It was a real honor working with you and Jon on this project. And, the collaboration between Keiko and myself has forged a wonderful friendship between us.
Anyone considering the Maison kit will find that it works well with any form of applique. I used hand applique, but the quilt would work up just as well using standard machine applique as well as raw edge, etc. The piecing was super simple with the fabrics doing much of the work because the pattern took advantage of the beautiful stripes on the Maison de Garance collection.
Keiko has also come up with a very novel (and easy) way to piece the large hexagons in the Reine des Abeilles quilt. Keiko is the master of coming up with great ways to simplify piecing. I can't wait to start stitching mine.
I hope that you show folks the special goodies that are exclusive to these wonderful kits. In typical French General fashion, the packaging is part of the experience!
Thanks again,
The richness of the quilt has an expectancy of grandeaur, simply elegant. and I loved the hat story.
I love this quilt!
Hello Kaari,
I fell in love with a Maison fabric (No. 54088 15) and was wondering if you would be bringing any to Silver Bella. If you are, please save two yards for me!!
How absolutely gorgeous!
Dear Karii,
You're my favorite fabric designer and I wanted to let you know about this addiction. I'm fond of your collections and I did a lot of things with "Rouenneries". If you've a minute you can have a look on them on my blog Darling cousette. I've just opened it and I began with a Rouenneries embroidery booklet. You give happiness, Karii and you have to know it.....Kindest regards from France. Michèle
Love your fabrics! A friend of mine who was at Quilt Market bought one of the kits and I did try to steal it but no luck. Planning on stopping by the store this Saturday -I am embarrassed I didn't know you were here in LA! Hope to meet you-
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