How to choose just one? Every memory was special and conjured up images of younger years or family members that were quilting long before we were born. After much reading, the quilt used to wrap the dog was a memory we couldn't get out of our heads. Later, when talking to a friend about this idea of wrapping someone or something with a special quilt, she mentioned that she had wrapped her mother in a quilt before she buried her. I love this- the idea of covering a loved one in a quilt - to use something we have spent countless hours creating, to comfort someone else.
So many comments were about quilts made by their grandmothers that were thread worn, but still loved; a quilt made for a friend that was sick but needed to feel secure, a quilt given as a gift to a child leaving home - all of these quilting memories sounded special - how quilts have been a comforting presence from birth to death. Thank you for sharing - it's been a great look into how the quilt has played a part of our daily lives.
Jillayne please send me your address and choice of kit. Merci!
Quilting is a wonderful way to show caring and it seems everyone has a story tell about a quilt, none less than mine. I think that may be why I love quilting so much...caring and warmth all bundled up with beautiful fabrics...
Thank you so very much for this. Your fabrics are so beautiful and so easy to use - the colours and design make quilting them a real treat. Unusual and elegant and I love them!
Very loving post. It brings me to tears of warmth thinking of myself. I just started quilting at the time my mom passed on over 20 yesrs agao. B/4 quilting I was a avid cross stitcher and made a beautiful cross stich afgan..............I had my mom wrapped in it from hips on down so she would be warm. The funeral home said it was not necessary and I said it was to me. If I would of had a quilt I would of done so. Have a great day. HUGS MARY
Quilting was my second introduction to sewing...I have always had a very fond love of them. I think I was the only teenager at the time that had a handmade quilt on her bed!?! Quilts without knowing it have also played many rolls in our lives, making them for each of my babies, sending our dog to heaven in one of our family quilts and my quest for buying as many vintage ones as possible for each of my children. Lovin' your love of the quilt!
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