Our new line of sewing accoutrements has just come out - thanks to Moda. We designed some of the small essentials needed to keep one organized when sewing. Most of these accessories are easy enough to make on your own out of small scraps of fabric - but just in case you haven't found any extra time lately....I thought we would give away a set. Included are two cloth tape measures - both in small drawstring bags to make them easy for traveling - and, the larger tape has grommets on either end which will let you attach it to your crafting table easily. A fabric roll with pockets for scissors and rotary cutters is made out of our polka dot material and finished with a coral grosgrain ribbon. The small housewife, or sewing kit, is the perfect small book to keep needles, buttons and spare floss. The pin cushion, marked made in 1892, was inspired by an old pin cushion I found years ago in France. Filled with sand, you'll never have to wonder where this pin cushion is- it sits solidly on your work table and holds every pin in the house.
All of our sewing accoutrements are up on our website now and will be available in the new shop - but just for fun, if you are feeling lucky, throw your name into the hat and we will pull out a name at the end of the week. Sew On!
OH, pls put my name in the hat.
I love the accoutrements and would love to have my name in the hat for the drawing.
Such accoutrement would surely make me a more polished seamstress! Things of beauty are a joy forever. The tools should be as lovely as the finished products. - Amy Bauer amy@usdemolition.com
Tossing my name in....and wishing you all the best for your re-opening. Wish I could be there.
Penny Tucker
Oh pick me please!!! They are charming, every one!
Oh, I love everything you do. Please put my name in the hat!
I would love for my name to be in the hat too! :)
Please add me to the hat, as well. These are certainly wonderful accountrements - I'm sure I can find a use for! Jamie V in MT
Yummy! I love, Love, LOVE the cloth measuring tapes....count me in!
Oh WOWZA! These are FANTASTIC and I would LOVE to have my name in the hat!!!
Put my name in too please!
I love them all -- please include me in the drawing!
I love the new fabric line & would be thrilled to win this cute collection .
Oh, they're gorgeous! I've seen them @ several websites already and put them on my ever growing wish list...
{Can't wait for Rouenneries to be available in my neck of the woods - it's so very appealing!}
Cheers, Julia
These are wonderful pieces. I especially love the fabric tape measures.
I am so excited about your new fabric! Please add my name to the hat...I am crossing my fingers!
Thanks for putting my name in!
A lovely giveaway - and doesn't the word accoutrements make it all more elegant?
Please put my name in the hat too. Love everything about French General!
I love them. Please count me in!
Wow! love the accoutrements. Please count me in the drawing and thank you! LindaSonia (baddabinda@yahoo.com)
Ooh, I've seen these "Accoutrements" on several blogs and loved them on site...what a treat to win!
paula f.
Your accoutrements are charming and they would be a welcome addition to my sewing supplies. They might even help me stay organized.
Oh what beatiful accoutrements. Please, please enter me for the draw.
Yes, please throw my beret in!
What a wonderful surprise! Congratulations on your wonderful fabric line with Moda. Everyone is raving about it!Please add my name to the drawing.
These are BEAUTIFUL! Thank you for the opportunity!
would love to win the pincushion!
I just love it!
I'll never win if I don't try, so... please include me! I love your new collection...
Love it- please throw my name in the hat - thanks!
I adore those tape measures...please put my name in!
Hi Kaari,
Please add my name to the hat. I hope to share these lovely items with my mom - assuming I win :)
Good luck with the store opening!
What a lovely giveaway and the perfect birthday present to myself. Thanks for the chance to win!
Very cute. Thank you for the opportunity to win. I cannot wait for this fabric line to arrive!
It is just beautiful.
I'm sure this list of names will grow long! What a delightful product! Thanks for adding my name!
Ohhh I would love to be a part of your generous giveaway! Thank you.
Please sign me up for the draawing--who knows, I might get lucky!
Oh I have been coveting these!!! Thanks for the great giveaway and please throw my name in the hat.
I love all these! I have a few of your kits and I can't bear to "use" them, I really just like looking at them...silly I know!
What a sweet giveaway.
Count me in
as I'd love to win!!
I've been eyeing these since Angela (Moda Home Mom) talked about them on her blog. Please throw my name in the hat.
Here's my blog in case my e-mail doesn't show up in my profile: http://dewdropbabbleson.wordpress.com
I guess I'm feeling lucky!! So beautiful - can't wait to get some of the fabric - I haven't quilted in a long time, but your fabric is making me want to again!
ooo, me too, please and thanks!
Here is my name in the hat :) Fingers crossed.
A sweet little sewing item. Perhaps you will draw my name....
Carol R
I would love to have my name in the bag.
Please add my name to the drawing! I just love all the new accessories! I can't wait for your fabric to be released in October! :)
That just makes sewing so much fun! I love anything that makes my life more fun!
Count me in :)
Here's my name: Gayle. Please put it in the hat! LOL
So generous! Please count me in!
oh please pick me! I think everything in the photo is just gorgeous...
I've already got those things, and LOVE THEM!! They really have antique feeling. I'm using the pin cushion as arm rest for my laptop computer. It's perfect!!
Just the inspiration I needed!! I LOVE it all.. put my name the hat please!!!!!!!!!! Julie
please put my name too!!!!!
Beautiful! I would love them, I've just learned how to quilt and am still discovering what supplies I need, these would be great. Put my Name in the hat!
Jacqueline B'way
I would love to have my name in this hat. Thank you.
Please count me in
Lovely! I'd love to throw my name in. I LOVE the new Moda collection!
Thanks for adding my name to the ever-expanding hat - it must be quite magical:-)
Ohhhh how wonderful. Looking forward to seeing you at Quilt Market in a few short weeks.
These new goodies are so charming!!!
Warmest wishes for your continued success with your unique approach to all things french, your new store and divine fabric range. This greeting comes from a kindred spirit in Melbourne, Australia who continues to thrive on your daily vignettes and thumbing the print off the pages of your books.
I would love to throw my name into your chapeau for the give away!
Warmest wishes for your continued success with your unique approach to all things french, your new store and divine fabric range. This greeting comes from a kindred spirit in Melbourne, Australia who continues to thrive on your daily vignettes and thumbing the print off the pages of your books.
I would love to throw my name into your chapeau for the give away!
I'm feeling lucky!
I love all of these!!! So beautiful...
i'd love to have more of your goodies! i just got the sewing kit & started cutting into my french general fat quarter bundle!!
Gorgeous! Feeling lucky....Am I?
Adding my name...fingers crossed!
I can't wait 'til your new fabrics land in our shop next month but would love to win something here in the meantime! Please count me in!
Great give-a-way and what a fabulous package to receive for the winner! Please add my name into the hat!! Thank You....Elaine in SLO,Ca
Count me in, I think that is fabulous.
Please add my name. :)
Ooh yes put my name in! I'm looking forward to seeing your new fabric line in my hands! loving the pics I've seen so far
Oh - I need a little happy something this week. Please put my name in the hat.
Oh gosh Kaari what a fun way to keep all the necessary things close at hand!!
When I was 4-5 I was playing with one of my mums old pincusion when a seam split and out came sand of all things!! :) When I ask her why she said because it keeps moisture from rusting the pins and it sharpens them. It made such perfect sense to me that I've always had sand in my cusions :)
Pattie ;)
Mazatlan Mx.
Of all the pretty things, I love the pincushion. Such a lovely idea to reproduce such old beautiful things! So, I'll throw my name into the hat too :). Thanks!
Diana Haret
please add my name to the hat! :)
Thank you for the chance to have my name pulled out of the hat. from Jenny
I'd love to be included in your wonderful drawing!!!
Hi Kaari!
I'm so in love with nostalgic sewing notions and I'de be over the moon if I would be lucky enough to win your lovely give away! It's all so beautifully designed!
Warmest wishes from Boxwood Cottage in Germany sends you
These are so lovely - I am getting fussy now that I do a lot of vintage French shopping myself, but you are always so careful on quality and detail that I know I couldn't find better in France! I would love to win them, but please don't enter me if you don't want to post all the way over the Atlantic...
Victoria magazine has a nice article about French General
Betty Price
My husband would be thrilled if I had a sewing kit! He is always teasing me that he has to go to his Mother's to have clothes repaired. I am throwing in my hat!
I love creative people - wish I were one; so instead I'll have to live through you and all your wonderful ideas. Please enter me in your drawing.
Please put my name in your hat. I love these! :)
Throwing my name in there!
Tossing my name in also. Your designs are such an inspiration when I have needed it.
Wishing you a terrific re-opening, and please put my name in for the sewing beauties-might help my love/hate relationship with my sewing machine! :)
Oh, so charming. Please throw my name in that hat!
Thanks for offering these wonderful items for a give away.
They would be really useful.
I am so in love with this give away... (& out of time to play with making it for myself.)
add my name to the hat please. Like the look of these new items. Susan
I absolutely love your fabric line....the french ticking stripes, the linen, the colors. It's just wonderful. I plan on making a quilt out of the ticking stripes and can't wait for your next line to come out. I would be grateful for the opportunity to adorn my sewing room with those lovely French General accessories.
i love accouterments! (with french accent here)
What a lovely way to celebrate the
arrival of September. Vintage
accoutrements, the opening of your
new location, and a beautiful give
away, too boot!!
Best wishes to you and your exciting business endeavors.
These are lovely. Please include me in your drawing.
Lovely! Hope it's me. -Alisa
I use to sew all the time and have recently fallen back in love with it. I love all of your fabrics and I would love to win these goodies. Thanks
I'll throw my name into the hat too!
Toss my name in the hat please !
Merci beaucoup,
Dora Dis
Unlucky has been my middle name of late! Maybe this giveaway will change it to one very lucky girl!!
Pick me! Pick me! Thanks so much for a chance to win these wonderful accoutrements!
Please put my name in the hat!
Thanks, Crystal Burns
Lovely set ! I'm in !
I'm feeling oh-so-lucky this week!
Creating is so much more fun with pretty tools! Very charming.
- I LOVE cute sewing tools and organisers. I would like my name in the hat.
Please put my name in the hat. I have been drooling over the new fabric and the sewing accessories. I'm hooked.
thanks! wish me luck and see you next Monday.
I need to be entered, keeping fingers and toes crossed!!
Sue Cahill (sbonetsue at yahoo dot com)
Wow! Put my name in the hat, please! I just love all those items and the fabric line too. They just seem to be quite difficult to buy, sold out almost everywhere...
Please throw my name in the hat. Can't wait until the fabric line is out!
It's my bday Thursday so I'm feeling tres tres lucky!
:)Looking forward to meeting you at Silver Bella!
Lovely....just lovely....the accessories remind me of gentler times....something all of us need!
Please count me in. My Rouenneries fabric arrived today and I'm so in love with it. viv in TN
Amazing assortment, count me in. Thanks!!!
they are to die for!!!! i so wish they can come to my house
I just found your blog and am looking forward to following it. Please put my name in the hat ( and draw it out) for the wonderful accoutrements -oh and thank you.
Oh, I'm really feeling lucky! Thanks for the chance to win these lovely tools!
Add my name to the list, please. I'm already thinking of carrying one of the measuring tapes in my purse!
omg they are fabulous. Hope that hat is big enough for me to win. Love all you do. Kathy H.
How lovely!
Such lovely pincushions. Please put my name in the hat!
What a great collection. I love sewing items and I love traveling, the combination is grand. I really like the fabric roll, it's lovely. Put my name in please.
Just gorgeous, wpuld love to win these. Can't wait for the fabric range to reach New Zealand.
I am so glad I visited your blog today so i have a chance at winning your fabulous giveaway.
I'd love to through my hat in the ring! The measuring tapes, I love too much.... I'm thinking it would wrap a beautiful gift! The fabrics look amazing, well done Kaari!
Please include me in the drawing for the wonderful sewing accoutrement!
Oh Kaari! What a treat! I'd love this!
I'd love my name in the hat too. Thank you!
Please add my name to the hat! Thanks for the opportunity!
now those are cute!
I LOVE a good accoutrement and beg to be added to the looooong list! thanks...s
I just received a layer cake and jelly roll of Rouenneries and they are gorgeous! Definitely want more of this fabric. Will be starting my quilt this weekend...would love to have the accoutrements to display with the quilt so please add my name to the hat. Gina M
I have just received the fat quarters of the Rouenneries Collection as I couldn't wait for the collection to make it's appearance. The accoutrements would be perfect to use while I make my quilt. Grin.
Oooh--so cool!
Pick me!
I would love to have the chance to win these wonderful goodies!!! Just ADORE your new Moda fabric line. I am so happy our wholesaler here in holland already had some pieces of that line to sell!!! So I guess I am one of the lucky few to already be working on a quilt from it :-)!!!!
Would love to win these accourements,so handy and useful.
Wow I just bought some fabric squares at your web site...>LOVE YOUR STYLE Lisa
OH so cool!!!! Please enter me...
Carol G
Oh about the thing better than fabric is sewing accouterments!
Oh la la! What a nice giveaway- I would love to put my name in the hat. Thanks
Well, that hat will be very full! I'm so happy to see that these have arrived in your shop, after having seen them in their early stages - and loving them then, too! Congratulations - they are wonderful~
Oh my gosh, I would be absolutely thrilled to win this giveaway. I have been wanting to buy these beautiful things since I first saw them but my budget doesn't allow such spending right now. Fingers crossed!!!!
just love that line of sewing notions have to check out the shop
i'm ready for a chance to.
thanks, barbara r-gillies
I just ordered the sewing bag from Hancocks in Paducah KY. It would be fabulous to complete the set. Please toss my name into the hat. - Georgette Kennedy
oh oh oh. Such beauty. Please come to live in Australia dear sewing accoutrements
I would be a very lucky girl if I could win these wonderful things!
Karen L.
tossing my name in the hat - just stumbled onto your blog this morning and you have created a lovely little spot here
Everything French General is my new obsession/addiction! Does anyone know if there is help for this? :)
Love Love this !!!!please include me in.
I'd love to throw my name in the hat! I am waiting anxiously to get some of the fabric and fun accoutrement in my hands!
OOOO...please include me in the drawing!
danielle muller
Please pick me!!
I've just started sewing again. The little notions would be perfect on my sewing table!
Therese in Mpls.
Always looking for something really useful to carry supplies in that is pretty too!
Here's hoping #159 is lucky! Please enter me in your lovely giveaway!! Thanks!
I love your accoutrments. Please add my name in the drawing.
Your stuff is awesome. Love the accoutrements! Put me in the drawing please.
Oh please! In the hat I go... hoping for such a beautiful and useful batch of goodies. Thank you!
Please add my name to the hat too!
Merci beaucoup-
Jennifer S.
Congratulations on your new designs! It would be wonderful to win!
Please, please, toss my name in the hat! I Love, love, love your style and can't wait to get my hands of some of your fabric!
Barbara Ferguson
YES, please, I want my name in the hat. Would love to be closer to come to your shop. Your work is wonderful!
Such beautiful accoutrement inspires beautiful workmanship!
--Vicki K
Pick me, pick me!
I just stopped by this morning and I am keeping my fingers and toes crossed I am not too late!
You have a beautiful life. I wish I could be enveloped by half of the love and talent...
am I too late? I was out of town..
I do hope I am not too late to enter. I LOVE all your stuff, especially your irresistible new fabric line.
What a great give away. Please sign me up! thank you Lizzie
Please pick me=it looks wonderful! Congratulations on your new location. Is it near the old store? I was only there once, but loved it! Thank you for the contest! Teah
I don't know if it's too late or not but would love to be entered into your give-a-way. Love your fabrics and blog!
Laura T
I hope I'm not too late!...Katie
Choose me!! Choose me!!
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