Sunday, September 20, 2009

Red Velvet Winner

It took me some time draw a winner out of the hat - a whole lot of names to include - thanks! The lucky winner of our sewing accoutrements is Cupcake Studio - which made me think of my velvet with cream cheese frosting. Please send me your address and I'll send a box of small sewing accessories off to you - as soon as we get through tomorrow, our first day of being open.


Miriam said...

Congratulations Cupcake Studio.

Good Luck for tomorrow Kaari Marie!!!

cupcake studio said...

Are you kidding me!!?? This TOTALLY makes my Monday :) Thanks from the bottom of my heart!

Rose Brier Studio said...

Congrats Cupcake Studio. Winning one of Kaari's giveaways is such a treat! Enjoy your treasures.

Anonymous said...

yummy- dpeaking of which, our local store makes red velvet whoopie pies with cream cheese icing in the middle!

Wendy McDonagh-Valentine said...

I made red velvet cupcakes last week and the kids finished them in one nite. Even the ones that hadn't been frosted yet due to me having to run out of the house!! : )

~ Wendy

Linda Summerfield said...

My 15 year old daughter's fondest memory of visting LA a couple years ago was the visit to your wonderful shop!

Karen Burns said...

Lucky Cupcake Studio! Oh, I would love a red velvet cupcake right now!!!

Anonymous said...

Lucky winner! And lucky for me and my young daughter that your shop actually moved closer to our home in Eagle Rock! I just stopped by your new space today, knowing you were only open on Mondays, just to see how close you really are. Will try to make it over some Monday when I can get off work early. p.s. A great red velvet cupcake can be had just up the 2 Freeway in Eagle Rock at Auntie Em's on Eagle Rock Blvd.
Jennifer S.

Anonymous said...

Discovering your blog (and French General) today... I find it very moving that my home country appeals so much to you. Its past mostly. Most of my compatriots would not look twice at vintage stuff that you come here in search of.
C'est bien.
Tomorrow I will post an article about Rouenneries and French General on my blog. A bientôt,