My fabric stash is a different story. I thought everything was going along fine and then one day this past week, I noticed my fabric stash had sort of become a part of my everyday life. Piles of old fabric have been stacked up in the living room and on the tables - for no other reason except that I like to look at them. The other day I couldn't sit down on the couch because of all of the patchwork squares I had uncovered at Quilt Market. I actually picked up a couple of the piles and put them on the floor to make space for me. The piles are still there.

So here's the big idea...if you have a fabric stash - and I am sure most of you do, pull it out (or if you are like me, it's already out!) and use it. I know - it's an unusual concept - to actually use the very elements that we have been hoarding for years. This actually could be fun and could make up our first ever sewing contest.
A few rules: you must not buy your material, all of the elements must come from your stash - even the trim - and you must make something that will show off special bits off your stash. A patchwork bag, quilt, wall hanging, pillow or stuffed animal - anything that will let you look at your fabric collection on a daily basis without having to look at all of the piles!
Once you have completed your design, send it along to us at French General, along with details of the scraps you used. All designs will be photographed and then returned to you by the holidays.

Our Sewing Stash contest will run the month of November - plenty of time to dig out your scraps - and the winner will be chosen based on design and function by a group of stashers. The lucky winner will win a $100 gift certificate to French General, along with a copy of our new book, Home Sewn. All of the designs will be shown on our website along with your name and a link to your website and blog if you like.
Have fun, be creative....and...use your stash to make some cash!
Send your entry to us at:
French General 1621 Vista del Mar, Hollywood, California 90028
Maybe the winner could come play with your stash??? Oh my.
Oh yes, I have a huge fabric stash! I just made a quilt top with pieces from it, but I had to buy the backing fabric because none of the fabrics I had were quite long enough. So I guess this won't count, but I'll try to think of something else! ::Jill
This is such a great idea! Can't wait to see all the submissions!!
I am so excited - thanks for the opportunity to use my scraps!!
I am digging through my stash tonite- how exciting! Finally- a challenge for my obsessive hoarding! Ahhh!
Yay! I am making a bunch of cute baby dresses out of colourful, soft 2nd hand t-shirts for my little friend Edie so she is cool and comfy for her first summer
Hi Kari,
I'm interested in participating but...I was wondering when we are likely to receive our items back?? The idea I have in mind is something I would need returned by Christmas. Does that still work?
If it is a quilt top,without backing - would that count? Could the backing be a non stash fabric?
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