For years, all I ever wanted Sofia to be was a botanist. I dreamed we would move to Paris and she would study at some old Royal Jardin Academy. She would discover new types of fiberous plants and develop an undiscovered weave - something as light as linen but as hearty as a hemp. We would discuss colors of leaves and learn the Latin names for the roses - it all sounded right up my alley - and living in Paris suited me just fine.

Last Tuesday, I changed my mind - I have a new ambition for Sofia. Classical Pianist. That's right - I bought a piano and Sofia bought a dress and together I think they make the perfect pairing. Somebody told me I could set my mac on top of the little upright piano and youtube would actually teach Sofia to play - voila! I also asked Sofia if she would consider being a personal assistant since she was able to order a dress online and it fit perfectly. She told me she would have a personal assistant but she would not be one. Oh - maybe she is capable of choosing her own path....after she practices her scales!
Oh, how fun--it sounds as if she is trying her wings--and she is backing it up with good thoughts! She will do fine. Maybe she will be like my baby sister who could play anything she heard, while I had to practice and could never play with the emotion she does.
What lovely pictures...both. and the dress is divine! How lucky you are to have such a delightful daughter! (Boys are good too though!)
and she will make lovely music for you just as you might imagine living in paris would be like.
2nd times a charm, sister!
I dream of our four year old daughter being an industrial or environmental designer by day and a concert pianist by night! Who knows what the future will bring for these young lovelies... :-)
Jennifer S.
Someone is reading your archives!
I think this is a precious post :)
Oh how many times I've chosen my kids' career paths...and spouses ;)
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