I've lived the past ten years without a business card - nothing to hand out...unless I dig up some old card I printed years ago. I like it and I don't. On one hand, if people want to remember who you are, they will find a way. On the other hand, I look like a fool for not handing out my business information to people who might be interested in doing business with us.
The Japanese love a good business card, in fact, they hand you their card before you even have had a chance to exchange names. The networking is important. They have learned that to be successful it is important to spread the good news - let everyone know what you are doing and how can you connect and do something creative together.

1 comment:
remember that girl at the show who stared at my biz card for a really long time and then said, "i've been trying to figure out what was wrong here..."(oh, thanks) "and it's that you don't say what you DO on here!"
well, maybe that's just the way i like to keep it!
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