Thinking about my escapes...and how I haven't taken one lately...got me thinking about about renting a chateau in the South of France. I'd let the rooms to women who wanted to go and hunt for treasures in Toulouse, Septfonds and Beziers. All meals would be prepared by a private cook. Each morning we would head out to the flea markets or brocantes for the early part of the day. The afternoons would be free time for people to wander the grounds, visit a vineyard, or take a craft class. I'm thinking about it....anyone interested?
Be Still My Heart,
is all i can say...
put me down for one room
with a view.
for my craft class
i would pick making a sweet little bracelet
as featured here--->
i think it would be
~~French Garden Basket~~
{{ PS--i can travel next May }}
sounds lovely...
sounds like a dream come true!
I don't even need a room with a view!
count me in!
In my dreams I would be interested. Sounds like heaven.
completely interested. i would just need time to plan and save lots of $$$$$
Why oh why wasn't I born rich? My mother always said it was just as easy to marry a rich man as a poor one...and I had to go and marry an actor...
What a dream this would be....I honestly cannot even imagine. If you really do put this together, please email me.
I will find a way I will find a way I will I will I will
If I have to make and sell crafts to everyone on the street , I will!!!!
Very, seriously interested if you are our host. Jot me down and give me plenty of lead time.
Sounds like a dream come true. If you pull it together... people will come. I'm definitely in!
Great to see you today - please put me and my best buddies on the list for a room! (Tina, Kathleen & Kim).
Your new sewing book is so wonderful! You are so talented.
Count me in (and maybe a friend, too)!
Donna B
lisa said...
can't believe my eyes. i'd be there in a heartbeat...name the time and place! please let me know if you set something up.
I'll do it! I'm a long time resident in France (from the Midwest) - just a half hour away from Giverny/Monet's gardens.
Big on brocante, too - we just had the fall Chatou antique/brocante fair here. I'm sure you've been there!
I would love to know the details~
i will start saving right away. keep me posted. i know i will need to ship lots of stuff home!!!
This would be like a dream come true... pure paradise! I am a new viewer of your web-site and I love your store! Please keep me posted on the details, I feel so inspired!
If you decide to do this, please let me know! It's my ultimate idea of fun.
The cuzzins would like to know more....
brenda jean, louise suzanne, kathleen marie
oh my, oh my, my bag is packed, i'm ready to go, I can smell the Lavender and see the Lace!
My husband and I are artists and have only dreamed of a trip to France. Please let me know the details. I LOVE!!!!!!!!!!!!!! your work, your website, and your blogs!!!! Julie Stout
My 50th birthday is in May 2009--I would love to spend it in the South of France (who wouldn't)? Keep me posted on dates and details.
how can i follow this thought and find out when? it seems like a dream come true.
Add me to the list of dreamers. I'd love to know more.
What splendor! What thrill!
Add me to the list.
hmmm...this sounds like a devine way to celebrate my birthday which is in April. I would like the details as soon as they are available!
How can I find out more about this dream come true vacation?
Put me and my 3 fellow vintage scouts down for this journey!
Please send me details!
Gardez-moi sur la liste!
As others have said --
Be still my heart.
A dream come true.
Just say when. Sharon
Oh would be so interested.
My dream trip!
A dream come true. I will take any room!
A dream trip!! I hope to hear more.
I may be dreaming the impossible dream, but nothing ventured nothing gained.
Bay City General Store
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