I took a quick trip to Dallas last week and visited Moda and all of the fabulous people that organize and design the products and fabric. After being led on the warehouse tour by the owner and design director, I was let loose in their document textile room and told to just pick out whatever inspired me - anything that I liked and would like to see incorporated into the new French General collection. I had to explain to them that I was a libra and I could barely pick out an ice cream flavor at 31 Flavors...so they gave me some time to ponder! By the end of the day, I had picked out some of my favorites and added them to scraps I had brought along - we tweaked the sizes and colors a bit and before I knew it, the collection appeared before my eyes. Lots of small, beautiful French florals and stripes with red and white all over - the collection is very much French General and very sweet. More to come.....
Oh my gosh, Kaari, how fun!!! I can't wait to see the collection when it debuts!
ahhh..this is painful for a gal who loves vtg French textiles..don't make us wait to long!
ohmygod, you lucky dog. i can't believe they just let you loose in there...
True. I'm a Libra and choosing is not easy. I need time to think: On the one hand.... On the other hand... like that!
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