I am hitting the road this month and heading up to the
Remnants of the Past Antique Show on Saturday, April 25th. Organized by Judy Watkins, this twice a year event promises antiques, embellishments and rare finds. The show gathers over 50 antique dealers together for a day of inspiration and creativity - not to mention lots of good old stuff! The show is located in the barn at the
Dana-Powers House. I'll be signing copies of our books and teaching a charm bracelet class. If you happen to live in the area and would like to join in a class, e-mail Judy at judy@remnantsofthepast.com for a $40 class ticket. Hope to see you there!
Hi Kaari. I just wanted to drop you a note and let you know that I absolutely love your style! I became of fan years ago when I purchased one of the first decorating kits that you offered. I worked as a designer for Jo Packham and Eileen Paulin,so we have some mutual acquaintance. Jo just gave me a copy of "Where Women Create" and your section looks great! I'm just getting my blog up and I linked French General, but would you mind if I linked to this blog also? Let me know if that's ok. Have a nice night. Paige Hill
It sounds like an amazing time! The class would be so much fun if I lived closer.
ggoHi Kaari,
I am going to drive up from Carp...exchagned emails with Judy... and I am looking froward to the day. I am so happy to hear that it is up near my neck of the woods. Going to spread the word about the show.
OMG I can't believe I published that comment without checking my terrible typing! ARRgghh.
I so wish i could get up to Remnants of the Past show. My son has a track meet that day and I can't miss it - they won't have many more you know :) My friend Pam Small with be there and she makes the most delicious canopy covers - you'll see her with them at the show. She and i got together Saturday night before the Irvine Flea Market and poured over your books getting inspired and wishing for some of your wonderful talent!
I wanted to thank you for your delightful bracelet class at the antique show on Sat. It was a lot of fun! Thanks also for making my purse that Judi Powers got me for my birthday- I love it! Hope the kitten is doing well, he is too cute.
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