Our club reminds me a bit of Club 33 at Disneyland. Club 33 is a private restaurant designed in the early sixties by Walt Disney as an exclusive place for his friends and visiting dignitaries to relax. What I like about Club 33 are the rules - there are quite a few and they all make perfect sense if you want to attract a limited amount of members. They like to brag that membership, like all good things, requires patience. Joining requires a couple of hand written letters and can take as long as 14 years before you hear about your status.
Ok - so joining our club is not that hard -but not affordable for everyone. Just for fun and because I have an extra kit this month, I thought I would offer one of our April Un, Deux, Trois kits for a comment about your favorite club. There are a lot of great clubs these days - my mom is in a mahjongg club, a book club, a tea club and is a member of the tennis club. Phew - that's a lot of clubs! We'll pick a lucky winner on Tuesday, April 21. Bonne Chance!

Ok - so joining our club is not that hard -but not affordable for everyone. Just for fun and because I have an extra kit this month, I thought I would offer one of our April Un, Deux, Trois kits for a comment about your favorite club. There are a lot of great clubs these days - my mom is in a mahjongg club, a book club, a tea club and is a member of the tennis club. Phew - that's a lot of clubs! We'll pick a lucky winner on Tuesday, April 21. Bonne Chance!
My favorite clubs have always been the ones that draw women together for the kind of creative, chatty, sharing time that renews the spirit. I have enjoyed books clubs, a writing group, a miniatures crafting club over the years. I find it difficult to get groups started though, because everyone has differing time commitments. At the moment, I am involved with a project I started at my church, Create Spirit Time Together,which is a monthly time to gather for quiet reflection, with various creative responses to the spiritual aspect of our lives. We've knit prayer shawls, journaled, listened to music meditatively, and plan to make prayer beads this spring. I need an outlet like that to remind me of how deeply entwined my spiritual and creative sides are. I love your style and creativity, but can't quite commit to a full-year club membership. So I am hopeful you'll select me for your give-way. I very much appreciate the generous way that you have shared your creativity through your books, shop, classes, magazine articles, and website. I truly believe that creativity in one person nourishes creativity in all those they encounter. Thank you. Claudia Horner (claudiahorner@yahoo.com)
Oh how I have have wanted to join your special club...but am unable to at this time...it does seem like the best club out there. My favorite club has been Kid's Club, a gathering of elementary school aged children, every Friday night at our church. We play games, have Bible stories, snacks, and when my children were young I was the craft leader. We made such good memories there!
The one and only "club" in my town is The Children's Club. During the communist era it used to be called The Pioneer's Club. This club has several sections like Dance, Design, Environment, Painting, Music, etc., and children can go wherever they want. Unfortunately many sections have closed, the teachers are few and poorly payed, they lack materials. I used to go there when I was a child and passing by its building, with its windows painted by children, always reminds me of that unique smell of oil painting and of the quiet corridors. It used to be a lovely atmosphere there. Sometimes I dream of restoring the club, making new sections, why not making jewelry, encouraging the talented children in the town to create, raising our own funds by selling the works. That would be lovely.
A Blast from the Past...My favorite club was one I belonged to back in the late sixties in my hometown of Latrobe PA. It was called the Teen Scene and once a week on Wednesday evening all the kids in the community could put on their coolest clothes and go to this downtown rec center and dance, drink warm Koo lAId, and play pool and check out all the new couples. Pretty similar to American Bandstand only for small town nerds.
You hoped the boy you had a crush on would stop by that night, and waited nervously to see if he would look your way and if he asked you to dance...well, that was the stuff dreams were made of then.
The chaperones would walk among the kids slow dancing to Smokey Robinson, and if there was not enough light shining between the couple, the chaperone would raise up the ruler she always carried in one hand and measure between the couple. "Six inches" she would reprimand.
It was innocence and raging hormones. It was the veil hiding the ravages of war.
It was kids still being kids a little longer than they are able to be now.
It was a special club that you could belong to for a very short while, but remember always.
Suzan Stoddard
I used to subscribe to a Ribbon Club (no longer exists), but every month you received gorgeous wire edged french ribbons in glorious colors with instructions on fashioning a flower with those same ribbons.
Its demise came years ago, but to this day I still miss it and I think it really fired up my continuing love for ribbons and ribbon arts.
I've longed to join your club as well. Love browsing your shoppe.
LindaSonia (baddabinda@yahoo.com)
My favorite club which I am happy to share with you would have to be my newest journey in quilting. After 35+ years of making quilts I found a new genre a year and a half ago. I joined a club of women sharing a love of civil war era quilts. The group is called Jo Morton's Little Women and I am enjoying it immensely. We use reproduction civil war fabrics to make these little treasures. Some of them are very small measuring approx. 13" completed. Mine I hand quilt for the most part, even though my home based business is longarm machine quilting. I enjoy this little diversion immensely and to date my Little Women group numbers 20 with my 21st in progress. I love my quiltmaking and enjoy it more each day. I am fortunate that I can share my quilting pleasure by completing quilts for the Quilts of Valor program (quilts for the wounded soldiers from the Iraq war), completing quilts for Cancer (quilts auctioned on EBAY), and our own Outreach program through our church. This all gives me great pleasure. Thank you ...Louise
Our quilting club is wonderful. We started as a group of 4 and now are at 50 plus. Every month, it is a gathering of creativity running amok, thoughtful coversations and planning. We make and donate baby quilts to battered womens groups, hospitals, ect.
Of course, I would love to join your club, and hope to next year when my youngest is finished with college. Then time for meeeeeeeeee :). Actually that should be, money for meeeeeee :). I love, love, love everything in your shop.
I can tell you about several of my favorite clubs that I belong to:
BritVid Club - A few women who get together once a month to watch British Videos (or DVDs, now). We all share a similar sense of humor so we enjoy a lot of British comedies, cult classics and always ecelbrate each other's birthdays and successes.
Pink Ladies Club - This is a feminist group that gets together to wear hats, drink tea and discuss girl power!
Cool Chicks Club - I started this group when I lived in Dallas. I knew a lot of great women who didn't know each other so I would come up with activities - like a picnic in the park, a concert, a lecture - and invite my friends to bring s friend so we could all meet. It was a great success because each event and group was completely different. And no one activity or personality dominated the group.
Ooh! Mt favourite club is one that I can't actually join, but no matter, I still get to give talks there every now and then! The group is called MOPS and it's well known in the US - Mothers of Pre-Schoolers. However, ours is in France, and the only one in our fair country, as far as I know.
So far I've been there to give talks on 'Celebrating Easter with Children' and 'Celebrating Advent with Children', and it's been an absolutely wonderful experience! My sons are 10 and 11, so definitely not pre-schoolers, but I still find the MOPS group remarkably supportive and inspiring.
I like the sound of Austin Gray's clubs, above, too! Thanks very much for this opportunity.
I love going to Club 33. It is very special. I last went there at Christmastime, it was extra special then. I am fortunate in that a good friend is a member and makes reservations for me whenever I want to visit the Club. So winning your lovely Un, Deux, Trois kit would be akin to visiting Club 33 for me.
Now tell me, is there a waiting list to be a member of Un, Deux, Trois? And does one have to wait years to join? :-)
I don't actually belong to any clubs at the moment :-( BUT this made me remember the 4H club I belonged to as a teenager. We were purely a cooking club. Every week we got together to make all kinds of fun recipes. I still have all the recipes and still love to make crepes.
lindastamps at gmail dot com
OK, so my favorite club is Club Soda.....I have been working in the corporate world for 35 years and am soon to lose my job....maybe I will have time for a club now! Your kit sounds like it would be fun to do. Thanks for a chance. Be well, Laura
I am part of a book club and love it. I would love to join your jewelry club, but will have to wait until I go back to work after a medical leave of absence.
Kathy G
Last year a friend formed a sort of "Symphony" club. About once a month we head downtown for dinner and a lovely concert. It has been wonderful to have a fun event written into the schedule and it has given me the chance to meet some new women!
Oooh and your necklace club sounds so enticing!
I once was in a book club and the first month I was too busy to read the book. I was embarrased showing up, afraid that I would definitely be an outcast. I rang the doorbell of the hostess's house. As soon as she answered I confessed that I hadn't read the book. She replied that she hadn't even bought the book, but did I want to come inside for a glass of wine?...wow, this was definitely the club for me!
If there were a "bloggers club" that would definitely be at the top of my list! The friendships, inspiration and besuty are beyond belief, and bring us together from around the world. Thanks so much for the opportunity to win such an amazing set.
I love the cook chicks club that Austin Gray came up with!
I belong to a book club and a crafting club. I love both.
They inspire and encourage me!
Thanks for the opportunity to win the un, duex, trois kit . . .
My only "official" club is American Sewing Guild. I confess, I'm more of a virtual than actual member these days, but I'm hoping to start participating in a Sunday afternoon group just to be with like-minded sewists.
I also participate in my church's Aesthetics Guild when I get the time.
I'm not sure if this is a club, but I belong to a Bunco group and boy do we have fun. We are a group of 12 friends who get together once a month to play Bunco. We take turns as hostess and provide dinner for everyone. It's so good to have a girls night out with a lot of laughs and gossip. I come home hoarse a lot of nights I have laughed so much.
I enjoy your blog and have put together a couple of bracelet kits from your store. I am amazed with the unusual trinkets you put together.
I've always enjoyed the moms clubs where the kids could play while the moms could have some (often interrupted) adult conversations. Now that my kids are older, I don't belong to any official clubs, but I am definately a member of the "sit in the stands and watch your kids play sports" club. Thanks for the opportunity to win one of your kits.
Oh, I love the thought of that ribbon club! While my activity is not really a "club," it shares some of the attributes of one. One or two times a month I go out to dinner with some girl friends--it's your typical girl's night out. We are all happy, blessed, creative women who share similar heartaches brought about by issues of substance abuse among our children or spouses. We are not sad sacks and we do not weep in our cocktails--we eat,laugh, solve the world's problems, share craft ideas, support each other's dreams and laugh some more. It's a wonderful, fun club. We are women and our responsiblity to ourselves is to LIVE! I highly recommend it to all--although people who visit French General seem to have a good handle on that already.
I don't think I've ever joined an official club. But if we're talking about a common bond between a group of people who have an undying passion for the same interest, then I'm in some of the coolest clubs! One of them is the architecture students club. All of us architecture school alumni seem to share similar stories of the silly stunts that we pull at the studio at 3 in the morning!
I, too, participate in a Mothers of Preschoolers group, as a table leader, and so appreciate this group for the "me time"; and the laughter.
I just recently joined the work of the organization "Threads of Love" to sew viewing gowns for infants. I am delighted to help with this effort to bless people who have such sadness. I hope to be part of this for many many years. It was such an intense time today and yesterday as I cutout the garments; praying as I worked that these outfits would bring peace to those who need them. (http://www.threadsoflove.org)
I am also part of an online "club" through MaryJane Butters farmgirl website. These ladies are a hoot and a half!(http://www.maryjanesfarm.org)
As I consider other groups in which I have participated I cherish most the friendships that I have formed through them.
I was a member of the Un, Deux, Trois Club, and it was like Christmas mid-month when the kits arrived! My absolute favorite was the Feb or March kit with the robins egg blue glass. Oh! and the Paris-themed kit with the brass letters. Sadly, I lost my job last fall and was unable to renew the club. But I have joined a book club (currently reading Three Cups of Tea), my Mom's Garden Club, and my neighbor club. We're not really a "club"- just women from all walks of life with one thing in common- we all live in a beautiful neighborhood raising wonderful kids. We get together every month to chat, drink wine, and laugh.
My one and only club is a book club that I belong to and have for probably 10 years or more. Before we became a book club, we met in a parenting class when our teenagers were "driving us crazy"! Oh, so happy that difficult time is almost over! But a jewelry club is so innovative and such lovely parts and pieces. I would love to win your kit. Thank you. (pnierstheimer@msn.com) Penny Nelson
My only club is a book club that has been meeting for over 10 years. We met in a parenting class when our teenagers were "driving us crazy"! But a jewelry club sounds so fun and also innovative. Thanks for sharing an extra kit. Penny Nelson (pnierstheimer@msn.com)
I belong to an on-line club. It's called The Vintage Tablecloth Lover's Club..or VTLC. It's a great group of people who love vintage tablecloths and vintage textiles. Your kits sounds so sweet!
My girlfriends and I in Seattle some years ago created an Art Group that got us all together monthly to share food, and our latest creative adventures. We all pursued our creative interests in addition to our full time jobs. And it was through this group that I learned about polaroid transfer and other creative pursuits, and spent some great time with some incredible women - one of whom just sold a painting in Oregon, and another just has her latest album sold on iTunes! Though we are spread all over the world now, we still keep in touch and I will always hold onto all that inspiration to inspire me today as a member now of the Eagle Rock Mom's club!
Jennifer Salazar
Eagle Rock, CA
The 8 of clubs? supper club? golf club? The pun club?! Ok how about the I am going to France with Kaari club?
As a young adult, I participated in a club that held conferences and events for young children who had mothers fighting breast cancer. My mother was diagnosed at about age 37, not much older than I am now. Still being in school and assisting with care of an ailing mother was very trying for the young me. I was happy to be part of an elite group that could help other kids through what I endured. After my mom passed away, I did child of victim breakfast seminars and meet and greets. Now about a decade later, this club has been absorbed by the y-me and Susan B Komen foundations. There are chapters nationwide.
The most important club in my life right now is my employer. It is a membership based, reciprocal organization with over six million members worldwide, dedicated to providing insurance and financial products to the military. In order to obtain membership you must have a military career, be the spouse of military person, or be the child of a current member. I'm privileged in this volatile economy to be an employee and member of this club. We recently made a slight change in eligibility to allow retired military officers join regardless of retirement date. I spoke with an 89 year old "newbie" who told me had been waiting nearly 50 years to join our club. If that isn't elite, I don't know what is!
If I don't spend every last one of my pennies in France, I might just join the un deux trois club. Since I love the colors of this month's treasures, I had to post my two cents.
I've belonged to a number of clubs over the years. I'm involved with the MOPS group at our church - as an advisor since my own children are grown.
One of my favourite clubs meets on Friday afternoons when school ends. My teacher daughter stops over for tea and a chat, sometimes my younger daughter can join us as well. It's not a large club, but one I really enjoy.
Then there's the virtual club of blogging. I've met so many wonderful and likeminded women - it's amazing to me. Blogging has become something I make time for even now when I'm so busy studying for a career change.
Women gather together all over the world, both in person and virtually - we usually don't call ourselves club members, but we are - members of the wonderful community of women!
Ahhh club 33, I love that place although have not been for ages. I love the pure decadance of it. And the exclusivity. But I also love free spirited clubs that embrace all. Your jewelry items are delightful and someday I hope to be there for a class.
My favorite club used to be my Un,deux,trois club membership. Last year I talked my husband into it. I told him he wouldn't have to buy me anything else all year. Well, at least other Hoidays like; mother day, easter, etc. (He never bought me anything for those anyways!! LOL) But, as you said times are tough so I couldn't swing it this year. I miss you!!! I so looked forward every month to your fabulous kit. Maybe I'll be able to swing it again soon.
But for now the only club I'm in besides "motherhood" is my book club. I love to discuss fabulous books with great friends. It's almost as good as your club.
My favorite club is my local Genealogy Society. They're a great group and offer free classes year round. I'm proud to be their newsletter editor.
This kit is just beautiful! The only club I belong to right now is a book club. However, my husband says I am in an exclusive club called "The Shopping Club" A few years ago I was in a quilting club which I loved.
I belonged to a "stamp club" but we did all kinds of mixed media art. It was a great place to share but the organizer moved out of state and it lost its steam. I'm still looking for another club to join. I love your jewelry! Just beautiful!
My favorite club is our local monthly Quilt and Textile Study Group. We are going to meet today to discuss how fabric was printed... in the past we have discussed indigos, and also Margo's (owner of http:\\reproduction fabrics.com) 'found' textile sample books from the 1700's and 1800's! I will post photos on my blog - http://rem-nants.blogspot.com
This group is surely a treat if you are into textiles and history. We are planning our annual quilt show in August in Bozeman, MT.. love the necklace kit! Jamie
My fav is Skirtnet, an Army JAG Corps club for women, on line for those of us, literally at the four corners of the earth. too bad I retired, and it diminished.
One of my favorite "clubs" is my weekly knitting group. I enjoy socializing with a wide variety of people who share a common interest.
I dont really belong to a "club" but I really enjoy my Yahoo groups where we have vintage tag swaps, charms swap, fat books. etc.. I have even used some of my treasures from French General for a few..Thanks so much for the giveaway, I would love to enter.. kathy hansen/auntiesisy@aol.com
My favorite club is my "fake club," as one member's young daughter called it. We are a small group of longtime friends and call ourselves the "Ladies' Auxiliary." We are not an auxiliary of anything; that's part of the fun. When we get together for our annual Christmas dinner and/or other outings, we take a photo and send it to our local newspaper with a caption reading something like "The Ladies' Auxiliary held their annual Christmas banquet last Tuesday night." We have had people ask how to join and we all just smile and say that we are not accepting applications right now. These women are my best friends.
If I could have joined any club growing up, it would have been the Bobwhites from the Trixie Belden books. I have always loved mysteries, but Trixie Belden and her friends seemed like real people to me (especially as compared to Nancy Drew). I would have loved to have Jim and Honey as friends. Even Trixie's brothers, Brian and Mart, seemed great (much cooler than my own little sister). I'm still looking for a club where I can experience adventure and comraderie ala the Bobwhites.
Thank you to all the ladies who have shared their 'club' memories, it was fun to read them! It brought back memories of a 'club' I started back in Jr. High! a long time ago, consisting of two neighborhood friends and me! I think we met about two times!!
I check in on French General from time to time to see what's new- but, Oh! the temptation! I got just a 'taste' last year, in French General/ Paula's Kit Club! I am proud to be able to say that one of the bracelets I made from your 'Paula' kits I gave to my daughter and she wore as an ankle bracelet on her wedding day, it coordinated beautifully with her dress and accessories!
Thank you for this chance to win one of your Un Deux Trois kits! Wish me 'Bon Chance!'
My favourite club is one I just started. I am a high school teacher at an all-girls' private school and I just started a sewing club. In recent years, sewing and all thing domestic have been frowned upon by the school's administration, but there is real hunger among the students to learn how to MAKE things, clothing in particular.
So, we are up and running. I have been overwhelmed by the response, both from the students and from fellow staff members, even men, who are keen to donate supplies, expertise and time and keep telling me how great they think it is that I am helping the girls to learn important skills.
We have started by learning to make our own skirt patterns and will be making the skirts, starting this week. The girls are so pleased with themselves and quite surprised that they are able to DO things like make a pattern and then make a skirt.
I guess all that makes it pretty clear why "Custom Couturieres" is my favourite club!
I'm not a member of any club and since I was the incredibly lucky winner of your necklace jewelry kit for St Patrick's Day, I don't know if it's fair to be in the running for this giveaway. But if I could be in a club, it would be Club 33. I've been going to Disneyland since the year they opened and it has a permanent place in my heart!
I've been in and out of reading and craft clubs for most of my adult life. Books groups rock - most of them are really "read and feed" groups and you end up reading such a variety of books. I've been in knitting groups, a spinning group, and a sewing group. Thanks for asking!
My favourite club, although it spans the globe, is totally unofficial and, depending upon one's age, fairly difficult to join. It is the club formed by those who fluently speak a second (or third) language besides their mother tongue. My second language is French, making me part of what the French call “la Francophonie.”
I fell in love with the French language on hearing it spoken in the streets of Montreal as a child. It was foreign, exotic, mysterious. Those who spoke it - and yet replied to me in English when I addressed them - surely lead richer, more exciting lives than those I! At the age of five, I made my decision: I would learn to speak French. I studied hard all through school and at nineteen met my sponsor, a Parisian living in New York City. We fell in love; we talked of marriage. I was invited to meet his family in France. That summer, after so many years, I joined my desired club. I arrived in Paris speaking one language, and left eight weeks later speaking two - not perfectly, of course, but well enough to understand, and be understood, by friends and a family who spoke no English at all. Later, I returned to live and work in Paris for two years. My eldest daughter was born there, in a French hospital. She grew up having inherited her membership in the club, as have her children.
My club allows me to see myself and the world through the eyes of the Old World, whose history, values and assumptions are all quite different from mine. My club has provided an expanding, shifting prism through which I can evaluate my thoughts, hopes and dreams, stretching and growing within its unfamiliar framework. While Life has brought me romance and chagrin, the benefits of my club – French art, architecture, philosophy, and literature - have sustained me through good times and bad. Exposure to so many facets of French culture, food, décor, music, theatre, and film, has brought a richness and depth to my life it would never have had otherwise. I’m so grateful for my membership in this special “club.”
I don't know if you would consider it a club, and not even one I'm part of, but I love my dad's group of close friends. They're one group within another group, the Bridge Club of the Philippines, and others have wanted to join them, but they still remain the same small crazy group they've been for years. I love them because they are such close friends, and have such great fun together. They don't limit their friendship to bridge alone, but they also love to travel and discover new food places.
I may just be a daughter of one of the members, but its always great fun whenever they let me join in.
My favorite club is my book club I belong to. We started it about 7 years ago. In the beginning it was about books but then turned into very deep friendships. We go on "fieltrips" and have gone away for the weekend together. We love to antique shop and eat. It's so much fun.
How lucky you are to have such a unique club!!! I tried to sign of for your classes at Silver Bella but missed out for being too tardy.
Hopefully, I can pick up a kit there as well :)
Of all the clubs that exist I have to say that the club we as women are entitled to. I think through blogging, school, neighborhood, family and various other outlets us Women are blessed to have one another.
Age definately makes you appreciate it more!
Take care
My favorite clubs are the American Legion, which I belong to since I served in the Air Force, but did not serve in a foreign country. I was stationed in Guam for 3 years, but that is a US territory. My husband belongs to the VFW (Veterans of Foreign Wars) since he has twice served in Iraq, most recently in 2004. I am also working on my entrance requirements to get into the DAR - Daughters of the American Revolution. My ancestors have been in South Carolina since the mid 1700's and served for South Carolina in the American Revolution.
Thanks, mia
At this point in my life--my favorite club is "The NHS Band Booster" club. My son is in the band and I'm one of the parents in the club that trys to help out in any way they need us. We have a lot of fun and enjoy being around the kids.
Hi Kaari! Gosh, so many responses already, the competition for the kit is pretty steep! I recently moved to NYC, and in an attempt to find people like me (introverted, nerdy, and crafty as all get out)I joined a group called The New New York. We're all sellers of arts and crafts on Etsy. We have parties and meetings and work to promote each others' shops. But mostly we just make stuff together. Because it's fun. :)
The first club I ever joined was FHA- Future Homemakers of America- being a young teenager I found other interests- BOYS!!!
Not a young teenager anymore and married to one of those "boys" my interests are more defined - I love creating and have just joined an art group- I love it and I am so thankful for the opportunity to be with women who also love to create.
I so wanted to join this club of yours but you're right -- can't swing it. My favorite club, though, is my stitching club of women. We laugh and gossip and have a great time while sharing our love of cross stitch.
My absolute favourite club is Paula's Kit Club, and this club lead me to French General which I am also a huge fan of. I love your Jewelry and all your vintage finds. Paula's club is a monthly paper / stamp club and she has such great vintage taste, and what's especially great is every once in a while we will get a special French General Treat :) Thanks as always for all the inspiration :) Zoe xo
My fave club is my crafty group! I love when we women from all walks of live get together to chat, nibble and create scrapbooking pages, greeting cards and atcs (artist trading cards) and the like.
Its what life is to me. Creating.
Hopefully entry #57 will be my lucky numer! I admire so many of your pieces and I am one of the non-club members that longs to join the jewelry club but can't afford it right now. Even if I never win I am so inspired by your work and books that alone makes me happy.
Thank You for the wonderful imagery and inspiration!
My favorite club was a doll club that I belonged to about 10 or so years ago. As well as all of the ladies making dolls at the meetings, we would have show and tell and bring dolls that we had either made or dolls that meant something to our lives. We would drink tea and have refreshments and it was just a very lovely respite every couple of weeks with a really lovely group of ladies.
I love looking at the items in the monthly "Un, Deus, Trois" and wish I could be so talented as well. I totally understand the exclusiveness and greatly appreciate the oppertunity to view the lovlies from the outside.Thanks for sharing your talents with us.
Hi! I belong to a block-of-the-month quilting club. We meet to review the pattern for each month's block every second Saturday. It is great to see every one's color interpretation/fabric choices! I also belong to a Summer country neighborhood gardening club...We all grow a variety and share any extras each week. I can't pick which is my favorite. Both involve good people and good times. Thank you for the giveaway opportunity!! I have dreamt of joining your un, deux, trois club for the past year... One of my favorite collections is the orchard/orange-lemon and leaves beads! Cindy
I belong to a "yarn" club. Every month I receive a package of beautiful yarn. I'm always pleasantly surprized. The Un, Deux, Trois Kit is so sweet - thanks for the chance at the giveaway! Therese T.
Years ago when my best friend and I were entering high school we were completely boy crazy. So we searched for the club that had the most guys in it..turns out it was the Science Fiction Club. We went from being artsy to nerds in moments upon joining. We watched Dr. Who and wrote a screenplay. Of course, I was the princess. I have since found some of my sci-fi friends on facebook. They all turned into scientists while I work as an interior designer. To your heart be true. Your club is on my christmas list - hope my husband will get it for me! Thanks for your blog - I love to read it!
For the past 12 years have belonged to a book group. The same 7 members, a wonderful group of friends. Many inquire as to how they can join, but membership is exclusive to the originators.
My favorite club is one my friends and I started so we could be crafty in an inexpensive way regardless of actual crafty skill (so those with less crafty talent were not excluded). We call it a Collage Party, and we get together and bring a bunch of old magazines, scissors, and glue. We make art using images out of the magazines, juxtaposing them in interesting ways to be funny or to make social or political commentary. I am a big fan of Joseph Cornell, and love the idea of putting together stuff that doesn't necessarily match or start out together to reflect personal tastes and viewpoints. It a fantastic cheap and fun way to all get together and make something in just a few hours with little expense or artistic skill.
WOW! What a cool club and thanks for giving us an opportunity of a lifetime!!! My favorite club is actually a Yahoo group that I have been a part of for many years. We have a small group of women who enjoy rubber stamping and mixed media, but we talk about many things. I love that we can discuss anything and offer each other ideas, suggestions, comfort, as well as cyber-hugs and enouragement. We cheer each other on, and help each other through challenges. Although we live all across the country (and even have one member in Canada), we feel quite close and some of us have even had a chance to meet in person. I feel quite blessed to have found such a wonderful group!
Hi, Kaari-
My favorite "club" would have to be Silver Bella. I will be a second year Bella and am looking forward to taking both of your classes in November. I was so impressed with the creativity, warmth, generosity, and playfulness of this group, and can hardly wait to meet again.
Although I don't belong to a club right now, I grew up at King Harbor Yacht Club (in your childhood neck of the woods, I know!). It was a wonderful place to be as a kid because there were so many of us - we clambered around the breakwater, sailed, swam, looked for crabs, played tetherball... there was never a lack of things to do. Even windy winter days were fun - we'd sit on little wheeled dollies with our jackets spread wide open and let the wind push us along. Oh to be that carefree again!
My mom, sisters, and I have a craft club. We get together once a month and we do a craft. The person who's turn it is has to provide all of the vintage materials for the craft. We have made so many beautiful things. We've even make vintage jewelry..Each other's company is almost as fun as doing the craft!! Thanks for listening!! Christine
Many years ago...and I'm talking several decades ago because it was pre-highschool...I belonged to the "Kit of the Month Club". It cost a dollar a month and 25 cents for postage. What you got was a kit for some craft (wood working, sewing...it was always something different) that I would work very deligently to complete. I loved that club. I had such a sense of accomplishment when I would make a birdhouse or something that my mom would prop up in the kitchen. I guess that getting French General jewelery kits takes me right back to that thrill of seeing that box in the mail. Thanks for being so generous. Penelope Tucker
I wish I had a club to name...I so desperately want to join a creative club! I do love book clubs, though. Whether online or in person...they're always enlightening! :)
My favourite club that I'm a member of is River Cottage. www.rivercottage.net It is more of a community really where people can discuss all aspects of sustainable living and food production. It is a really inspirational place and I'm really looking forward to planting the free vegetable seeds you get as a member!
I miss your store - I used to visit when you were in New York, on one of my very favorite streets just down from the Vespa shop. I hope to look you guys up next time I'm in LA.
I belong to the Hysterectomy Club. Yep, you read that right! Several years ago, when I announced to a friend that I would be heading into surgery for a unexpected hysterectomy, she promptly said with a hugh smile and a warm embrace, "Oh, super...you get to be in 'The Club'!" My friend's comment, gesture, and welcoming membership into this exclusive club helped me to face a scary life event and made the surgery a little more tolerable to bear. Today I'm doing great. I still belong to The Club. And when a woman shares with me that she's having "the surgery" I smile and say, along with a reassuring hug, "Welcome to The Club!" PS: I. LOVE. FRENCH GENERAL. PSS: See you Kaari at the Remnants of the Past Barn Sale!!!
as a girl i was in a 4H club and a peter pan club in our neighborhood (thinking about it brings back such wonderful memories...) now i belong to a hookers club (or group i guess)... we are rug hookers!!! and we meet a couple of monday evenings every month. But, i loved reading about someone's ribbon club. That sounds fantastic and i would love to join in if anyone is interested in starting one. or, a lace club!!! oh, the possibilities are endless..........
meleen dupré
The comments have made me smile and brought back so many memories. I've been in a Brownie Club, 4-H club, numerous high school clubs (including Future Teachers of America - yes, I am now a kindergarten teacher.) The Hysterectomy Club brought back a forgotten memory of my older sister. When I began my period she just said "welcome to the club".
How wonderful to have such diversity that somewhere there is a club for us all to feel welcome and share our interests and passions!
Cool give away! I love your offerings! Thanks!
I'm in a Scrapanos club. I group of us girls met on the internet and started scrapbooking together every Saturday when are babies are little. Now we still meet but not for scrapbooking, usually it's to have dinner or going on field trips to French General. we went and met your wonderful husband. We are planning another trip soon...we loved your store.
The club I belong to is Paula's Kit Club. It's the greastest paper club. I also got the FG jewelery but had to quit. I really miss your beautiful beads.
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