I think I have this romantic notion that we'll all board JZ's plane and fly out to the desert on the weekends. Never mind the fact that I don't fly with JZ and that I usually work on the weekends - but it sounds like something I would like to do. Something very Lucille and Desi and very California 1970's. A friend of ours even suggested that we move this motel back to Los Angeles - but I think Lautner designed the space for the desert and in the desert it should stay.
Oh well - meanwhile I will continue to go to my favorite spot in the desert - just down the road, the Desert Hot Springs Spa - famous for its' eight natural hot mineral pools. A poolside room complete with kitchenette can be yours for a song and dance.

An hour and half from Los Angeles - this is the perfect escape...with spa amenities on site. So I guess for now, I will give up the Lautner Motel - but if you do happen to buy it - let me know, so I can come out and visit while I am in the desert!
What about the turtle??? Kick
let's just buy it! it's an investement!
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