French General is now only open on Fridays. Yes - we used to be open 5 days a week, but it was just too much for us to manage, so now we are open one day a week - Fridays. We are open from 11-3 or 4 or 5. My dad gave me a sign a long time ago to hang in the window at French General, it has faded so you can barely read it, if you look closely it says: We are open unless we are closed. That about sums it up. When we can be open, we are - but most of the time our days are taken up with packing and shipping, designing the next jewelry kit - or even writing books. Sometimes we find time to run off to a great old basement we hear about to dig out all of the old beads, buttons and ribbon. But mostly, we are in the back room packing and shipping and working in the garden. So if you are planning on visiting our small shop - remember: we are open on Fridays from 11-3 or 4 or 5. Come visit us if you happen to find yourself in the area (on a Friday!) - Merci.
Hi Kaari!
I finally got a chance to visit your site again (been awhile)...but, am glad to see you now have a blog! Please tell Molly I said "hey" and that her cards here in my shop have been a HUGE hit! love to you both....debi
I'd love to say hello on a Friday.
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